14 | The Return to Rivendell

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14 | The Return to Rivendell


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

One thing was for sure: she was never going to get used to going through the portals.

Arda just had to be the pain in the arse when it came to accessing it. Any other-dimensional portal was not possible; something was stopping them from creating a simple gateway. And out of all things – a Silmaril was needed to create them.

At least this time she was experiencing what it felt to go through since the last two times had been a little bit...let's just say she was blacked out to exactly have the choice of going through.

She wasn't sure what she expected. Passing through felt like she was being enveloped in a blanket... if the blanket felt like it was trying to push through the layer of their suits as she walked straight forward and only saw white. She could hear a muffled hum, probably the radiation around them as they waded.

Illyria had to admit it was beautiful.

When she first saw it in the Alps she was frozen in place – filled with awe. A perfect tear in the air as it expelled a burst of white light that refracted into multiple rays of colours, causing her heart to race and her throat to grow dry. The snow had reflected the light, causing the snow to glitter like millions of stars concentrated in a galaxy.

This time it wasn't as beautiful, but nonetheless breathtaking.

How something so beautiful could cause so much greed, destruction and pain.

After a few seconds, she saw through the visor of her helmet the narrow slit of another tear. It appeared to be the exit from the bridge between the worlds as it pulled her mind towards it and brought her striding forward.

Suddenly, a force began to drag her body towards the opening. Illyria tightened her grip against the metal suitcase and the navigator, sucking in her breath as her feet began to run effortlessly until she was almost swept off her feet.

And in the short seconds, an experience she had never felt, caused her body to be thrown across the white abyss and out of the bridge.

She really had to thank herself and her constant habit of walking barefoot as a kid when Illyria landed onto the floor easily with both her feet planted onto solid ground. Her legs were bent to stabilize the impact, but it didn't stop her arms from flailing out as the case landed with a thud on the ground.

Illyria winced mentally.

'Let's not tell Finneas that we just damaged his equipment one second into the mission.' Yeah, he was not gonna be happy with her clumsiness. Plus, it wasn't her fault, blame the weird vortex ending to that portal!

Gladly, she wasn't alone in experiencing that.

When she went to grab the case, a figure was practically spat out from the portal in a blob of white and purple. Two more followed, landing poorly on the rocky ground of the cliffside but luckily still on their feet.

Damn elves and their ability to be on their feet and be stable. She really wished she had Elemmírë's reflexes sometimes, even if her's was still better than the average human being.

She finally removed her helmet, hearing it hiss as she inhaled a breath of fresh air. When did the air become so crisp and good suddenly? Was it this good when she first arrived in Imladris?

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