5 | LARPing in Hyde Park

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5 | LARPing in Hyde Park


Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell

Location: Somewhere on Earth

Time: Unknown

All of sudden, his face was met by grass.

His head was throbbing, like a dozen of wargs trampled on him at the battlefield. His entire body felt like it had waded through icy water that he could hardly feel up to the tip of his fingers. It took all his strength to roll onto his back, his hands already prepared to hold the hilt of his sword. When he did, he scrunched his eyes at the sun...or whatever light that was shining down at him at that moment.

A mixture of cries and laughter entered his ears.

Wait, why were people laughing?

Once he felt any sense in his body, he brought his hand up to cover in front of his eyes before fluttering them open. Adjusting his eyesight, he began to sit upright before feeling another wave of nausea go through him. Was this how Illyria felt when she first arrived here? If so, he was not going to enjoy their trip back to Middle Earth any time soon.

Elrond's senses quickly returned, getting up with a grunt as he adjusted his armour and patted off the grass. His hands carefully patted over to the satchel, sensing the pulse of the Silmaril in its container before checking his surroundings.

In all honesty, he didn't truly know what to expect what Illyria's world was like – though it wasn't this.

It seemed to be a large field of a sort, with several trees planted in great rows over a wide smooth path in between. Several wooden benches were littered along with the path and the appearance of a body of water in the distance. There was however something which questioned him so, and they were the large, tall metal towers in the landscape.

Elven eyesight was more adept than the eyes of men, but Elrond's eyes were not deceiving at how tall they were at this distance.

His ears then twitched once more as he then noticed the voice around him. Or rather voices.

Here he was standing in a sea full of people...and nobody batted an eye at him. They were all doing their own activities, mostly sitting down on the grass in small groups – chatting and laughing from what he could hear. Some were throwing a ball into the air, hitting it with wooden bats whilst others were throwing some bright green disc to and from one another.

Elrond began walking. Well, he didn't know where to go now and had only hoped someone or something could possibly lead him to Illyria. He knew that the moment the portal would open, somehow one of Illyria's sorcerers would notice the portal appearing and disappearing soon. He would just have to continue and not sway into the bad graces of people around here.

He remembered how Illyria mentioned people equivalent to a protective guard for cities and towns, and he didn't need to think hard that he was out of place. Not to mention his weapons and the jewel he possessed.

'I am only glad that it was not Arwen who went through the portal,' He thought before heading down the wide path where people walked up and down.

Soon, people were watching him. Most who ignored him were younger, focused on either talking to the person beside them or their eyes trained on the small objects in their hands. Other older ones, who were around what seemed to be the ages of the Rangers of the North, were eyeing him slightly before moving their children away on the other side of the path.

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