Post-Credits Scene | Catch a Falling Star

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Post-Credits Scene | Catch a Falling Star


Fingon Ñolofinwion| The Valiant

Location: Forlond, Forlindon, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: November 2980 T.A

Fingon of the Noldor just fucking had it.

Just a month into settling in Forlond, they were still in chaos - which seemed to be an influx of elves and living beings in the ancient city. A city that had been abandoned almost three thousand years ago, back when the Noldor and Sindar of Lindon still occupied the west coast of Middle Earth. But since the death of Gil-Galad and the departure of former Queen Celebrían, almost all left for Valinor. Those who remained moved to Mithlond: a city under the protection of Lord Círdan.

And now they arrived, their boats landing ashore at the docks of Mithlond before they sought a meeting with Lord Círdan. The Ancient Teleri elf informed them that several of his sailors spotted them entering the mouth, travelling faster by land to prepare for what seemed to be dozens of Falmari boats at every spot they could find.

Fingon had been there, his own heart and mind worried during the entirety of the journey as he stood beside his parents at the front of the ships. Every second of their journey he kept looking back, seeing the sunset under the sea as they grew further away from what was supposed to be their home.

Their haven.

Now Eldamar was gone from them.

Even the Halls made him feel unwelcomed the moment word of their eradication was prominent in the minds and hearts of them all.

He didn't want to leave. Fingon refused at first the moment his father and uncle informed his siblings and cousins that they would be leaving the moment Lady Nerdanel would signal their departure. He even begged to stay, to help his niece and nephew instead, help to keep the people of Tirion safe under the watch of the Valar.

He only agreed to it because he was hoping he would see him again.

They promised each other they would see each other again in the Halls. To wander together. To be together once more. But Lady Nerdanel's orders and his father's eagerness for him to aid leading their people gave him no choice but to comply.

If he had the chance again to go back. To sail and check the Halls of Mandos again to see if he was there: he would.

But now he was here, the plaits in his hair almost knotting into a big ball as he tried to explain to her his very reasoning.

Fingon opened his mouth and began, "Sister..."

His younger sibling gave him the biggest glare.

Her grey eyes almost went to blind him with rage as she balled her hands into fists. The coldness in her voice had made the air in the room grow stagnant, which wasn't something of a surprise.

He forgot how much his sister was more like their father in all ways than one. Blame the blood of Finwë running through their veins.

She hissed at him, "I will not allow you to have my son on house arrest!"

He winced.

Perhaps he had worded his request a little too harshly for her sake.

But was he wrong?

It took him about five minutes before he even asked her the question, discussing the uproar of complaints and fears coming from all parts of the city. About how they didn't like the fact that a certain half-Noldorin and half-Avari elf had been ordering elves of potential plans that could put them at risk. Words about an ellon with magic laced in his words already had him knowing who they were talking about.

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