12 | An Uncle & Nephew Talk

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12 | An Uncle & Nephew Talk


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: School of Engineering, Oxford, UK, Earth

Time: June 2027

What was it with elves and struggling to discuss their flawed relationships with each other?

But then again: she would be a hypocrite saying that when it took her nine months to talk to her father about the Snap. Although, she and her father did go on missions either way, so at least there was something that allowed them to talk.

Here on Earth, Elrond was in a world that was not his and Maedhros was already too invested on Earth and didn't have the time to stop despite all of her pesterings.

It was odd to think of it sometimes, how two and a half years changed him. For an elf, that amount of time should be a blink of an eye. Instead, Maedhros admitted (and rather subtly) that his time on Earth was perhaps fuller and demanding than he imagined. A world that constantly changes, faster than what anyone in Arda could comprehend.

If Maedhros found it hard to adjust, she had been worried (and still was) about how her brother and husband had coped adjusting to it.

At least they won't be here for long. Especially when she knew her daughter and sons were having to handle Imladris until Elrond returned with her. It was something that both she and Elrond spoke about, how their children were doing, and trying to remember times when she was Elemmírë with them.

There was a time when they were having dinner that Elrond spoke of how she had initiated a prank with the twins on Glorfindel – which involved several ink pots, a rope, hay, and a goat.

Let's just say after the tale: she was practically laughing on the floor, Maedhros was had for once in the year properly laughed (Maedhros laughing? Since uh when?) and Glorfindel was practically beetroot red, head in his hands and groaning in embarrassment. All while Elrond was hiding his smirk behind his drink.

Now she understood where Elladan and Elrohir got their pranking abilities. She (well technically Elemmírë) had been a sneaky mischievous little shit.

However, she had yet to remember anything past the Last Alliance and of Arwen's older years, and that was something that she stated to both her brother and Elrond one night. The last memory had been too painful that she had suppressed it again just a couple of months ago.

Especially Angmar. Illyria didn't think she'll have the guts to ever try and watch that again.

And Andrea Barnard can be pissed as she wanted at her for going against her advice, but she wasn't going to watch them die again.

Not Gil-Galad and surely not Celebrimbor again. Not even the race of men she knew from Anor and the sailing of most of the Noldor and Sindar; she didn't want to know what it felt to see Celebrían leave Middle Earth again.

Whilst she was finishing over some calculations, her phone buzzed in her pocket and immediately knew who was calling.

Well, she didn't even bother as she stopped what she had been doing and headed towards the open space in the middle of the lab. Holding her hands out, she opened another golden gateway and grinned as she noticed the familiar modern laboratory.

She peered through, noticing the city skyline of New York before spotting the tuff of light brown hair. Illyria grinned towards the young man, making a noise with the click of her tongue.

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