2 | Hot Snape on a Train

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2 | Hot Snape on a Train


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Somewhere in Siberia, Russia, Earth

Time: May 2027

Sam Wilson told her that it would be a smooth mission...if you called having to infiltrate a moving train with fifteen carts of explosives and weapons as one.

She wondered why her dad even offered them to come here (though perhaps Sam did inform him that a bunch of terrorists obtained a large number of nuclear weapons from the government and not just a bunch of alien and magical equipment), considering they hardly were part of their lovely band group of superheroes. And yet here she was, sitting idly in the quinjet. [1]

In front of her, she was staring at a pair of grey-blue eyes that was still hidden with layers of trauma.

And the one beside her was another set of blue eyes with the equivalent traumatic eyes as well, sitting opposite to a pair of dark eyes that were hidden behind a pair of goggles.

Including herself: their group could make a run for a therapist's money.

Despite never blinking, Illyria's head was hardly anywhere in the plane. She was meditating in her mind, looking through multiple outcomes in her head on how their mission would turn out. On one hand, they could probably fail this tremendously and kill an entire town's worth of citizens. The other was that they could be successful and bring the entire train of weapons back to its representative nation.

Or they could do both and vice versa.

Either way, they couldn't back down now.

"We're coming into view in five," There was a gruff voice from the pilot's seat, with another set of steps entering the back of the quinjet.

Illyria returned her mind to reality, blinking her eyes several times to moisten them (god, she forgot how dry they get after blanking out for too long) before glancing upwards to the young woman. Their dark hair was neatly pulled back in a bun, secured to show the set of quivers set at her back. Her dark purple and black suit matching the colour of her boots along with the black bow she held.

She smiled down at Illyria and asked, "Hope it wasn't a bumpy ride." She added, "Not really the best co-pilot yet."

Returning a smile, Illyria assured her: "I think you would have done better than any of us, Kate."

They haven't met for long, though Illyria already felt at ease when Kate Bishop was introduced into their not-so-well-put group. She had only been in training for just two years, a lesser amount of time in which Illyria had been set when it came to their so-called avenging. Because that's what they tried to be: The Avengers...or partially.

Usually, there would be more of them lately, but Monica Rambeau and Carol Danvers were currently off-world up in space. Both Thor and Jane Foster were back in New Asgard to help Valkyrie rule their people. Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne were currently roaming the quantum realm with Cassie Lang under their wing. And Peter Parker was sadly still at school: working his butt in university this year.

Even with all the superheroes in the world, it was not hard to deny that they were still not used to working together at all. And Illyria would bet a million dollars that one of them was going to be downright pissed at the other.

And that would probably be between the man sitting next to her and the elf sitting opposite her.

"I think I would've been better at flying the jet." The dark-haired man sitting next to her spoke, a hint of sarcasm already leaking out.

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