20 | The Lady of Rivendell

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20 | The Lady of Rivendell


Frodo Baggins | Hobbit of the Shire

Location: Rivendell, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

"Mister Frodo, who is that?" Sam asked him when he tapped his shoulder.

His gaze went towards the direction of his friend's eyes, only to find a tall elven woman gracefully entering the Hall of Fire. All eyes seemed to cross her for at least a moment, as she smiled kindly to whoever she passed. Her dark burgundy was not something he recalled before, almost like a sleeveless coat that was buttoned all the way in the centre. Golden embroidery decorated the fabric, shimmering under the warm lights as she gracefully walked.

One would think first that she was any other elf, but the moment he looked up to her head, Frodo spotted the difference. Her ears round much like the big folk. Even with silver hair, she would've stood out from any woman he saw in Bree.

He shouldn't be staring anyways, but he felt as if he was captured once more at her.

"I think from what Uncle Bilbo and Uncle Thorin said, she is Illyria Ettelëa." He quietly told them, "The Lady of Rivendell."

Sam paused, furrowing his brows as he said, "Wait, but I thought Elladan and Elrohir said their mother was gone...well away."

"She must have returned." He responded, humming to himself. "She is a sorceress, apparently."

That was what his uncles told him. Even before the Quest of Erebor, Uncle Bilbo knew about Illyria Strange (which was still a rather peculiar last name in his opinion) and her origins. How she was from another world was far more different and yet so similar. Or so what they told him.

Growing up, he knew very little of the elves until his parents passed away and Uncle Bilbo returned to raise him. His foreign uncle who in turn was once king of a dwarven mountain. A mountain out of all things! His relatives couldn't believe it, calling it all improper and un-Baggins-like, and were appalled to find him married to a dwarf as well.

A male dwarf no like.

However, nobody couldn't step up to eye Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield. The more obscure reason was that the dwarves began to migrate around the Shire, helping build their homes and improving the tools and weapons they possessed. They even began trading with them, with new fabrics and materials they couldn't easily obtain. The Thain, a close relative to Uncle Bilbo through his mother, had an agreement with Thorin and the dwarves of the Blue Mountains – enabling them to protect the Shire from the increasing attacks at their borders.

Since then, it almost felt that dwarves and hobbits have integrated within one another. There was still some hostility and prejudice against them, but Frodo could tell (even at his age) that it was gradually getting better.

Though, what was this had to do with Illyria Strange being a sorceress. Uncle Bilbo was always grateful to her, informing them from time to time that if she never stumbled upon him, he would never accept to go with the Company.

And Uncle Thorin would never be alive because of her.

Unfortunately, Frodo never knew how that was possible. His uncle always said that she saved him and his nephews (his cousins) from Azog the Defiler. Though with what words they used, he speculated that there was something more about it.

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