11 | Science is the Solution

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11 | Science is the Solution


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Oxford, UK, Earth

Time: June 2027

Illyria knew something was up the second Maedhros Fëanorion out of all elves asked to go with her to the store. The reason for that is that he hated having to do mundane human things, especially if it meant shopping for food or clothes or simply ogle at the restaurants they were too broke to go into.

Oh the life of a student, even if she was getting paid by Stark Industries in helping with their energy and extra-terrestrial programs.

She didn't react or remark about it, ensuring that Elrond would simply be bathing outside in the garden with all the books she gave him on medicine whilst Glorfindel invested his time trying to fill his journal of things he learnt whilst continuing his training in the same place.

They just reminded him not to trim the hedge.


Whilst they trudged around the store, picking up a dozen of eggs as well as more bread, Illyria waited by the trolley as Maedhros dropped down the bag of bagels with a blank look. Most of the people here knew them and didn't seem surprised at the seven-foot redhead model standing beside her.

(But then her lovely brother and Elrond decided to pop out of thin air and collectively followed her around like a bunch of tall and rather handsome ducklings. Forget the story about the ugly duckling, these elves were probably adorable as children and just got hotter when they grew up.)

As she pushed the trolley along, she quietly murmured to him, "I know you're avoiding him."

They entered a new aisle, picking up milk as Maedhros irritably replied, "I am not avoiding him, Illyria."

She gave him a dead look.

He answered, "I am merely waiting for the right moment to speak to him about what I did."

Yeah, she held the same face once more.

When Maedhros realised she wasn't going to have it, he paused as he placed the milk down and questioned her, "How much have you told him?"

The shelves of Flora butter looked rather interesting all of a sudden. [1]

'Illyria,' Maedhros warned.

Oh look, it's a two for one price.

He repeated, 'Illyria.'

"Apart from the fact that you skipped an entire two ages, that is all." Illyria defended herself, her voice going a little out of pitch. She did not mask it very well, even if she wasn't entirely lying.

To be honest, most of the things they said were revealed when Elros was here, so there wasn't much to say when she and Elrond went on their little evening date at the park.

(The date being, being incredibly silent and rather awkward, to begin with until Elrond had been the one to 'man-elf' it up and start speaking. Their entire little outing was basically explaining the basis without revealing too much and had them almost heatedly getting told off for being out in a park that wasn't her college. They then went to get sundaes in New York City.)

(All in all; the best and the first date she could ever ask for.)

He closed his eyes, his arms slackened at his side. "You did not make it any easier for him."

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