19 | The Sorceress & The Hobbit

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19 | The Sorceress & The Hobbit


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

Elrond told her that the house had never been so busy since The Last Alliance, which was pretty shocking in her opinion considering the number of visitors she could remember. They had festivals, which they celebrated, the twins or Arwen's birthdays had a lot of people coming from the valley and from the Grey Havens to visit.

So to hear that the time when it was the liveliest had been because of war was pretty morbid in all honesty.

And Illyria was not wrong about it being lively.

Despite the elves preferring their solitude, she knew they secretly enjoyed seeing all these new faces coming in. When she first came here there was some misunderstanding, and perhaps a little hostility between dwarves, magic users, and elves. But somehow, four decades and the end of the world might have rubbed the surface off from people's prejudices.

It didn't mean that it was entirely a place where anyone could be who they are.

Maedhros still had to disguise himself (which he hated like 100% of the time) whilst Glorfindel still had people coming up to him and wondering how the fuck was he alive and all.

Not to mention herself.

People could not understand the difference between her and Elemmírë, and every time they're asking about some elven trend from the last three centuries: she had to just smile and nod at it all.

Don't get her wrong, everybody must be irked to find two dead elves walking again but she really couldn't hide this façade anymore. She even admitted to Elrond the other night (or what was supposed to be night but now each hour was just a blur) that she couldn't stand having to sit still and have tea with the other elleths talking about embroidery and new fabrics from Lothlorien.

Elrond (blast the peredhel being too handsome and yet being such a meanie) merely chuckled at her ranting and assured her that they all meant well. He then noted to her that even in her past, she was hardly a typical lady in their custom and often sought to go to the training grounds than to sit idly.

Of course, she would. Even meditating would've been ten times better than sitting and drinking tea. With pinkies out and feeling as if you're at The Ritz. [1]

But one thing she did love to do was to go about and prepare for the plans they set for the valley. Elrond entrusted her and Maedhros to do most of it, hinting to get the twins involved by scouting the areas and giving points of possible entrances. Illyria wasn't sure if her husband was being considerate of their children's involvement in the possible battles that made him suggest this...

...Or the fact that Elrond did all he could to separate Elladan and Elrohir from Kili, Gimli and the hobbits.

Might be both.

She knew by his panicked look, when they spoke about it, that the second reason was his top priority.

In the end, she had Elladan and Elrohir go with Maedhros to begin mapping possible places to fortify the valley. The battle might not happen in a couple of months but it was better safe than sorry.

Illyria continued her intense training and learning with her children, mostly with Arwen, whenever they weren't too busy with other work. There wasn't any change in the locator or any energy fluctuations of a possible Silmaril, annoying Illyria every time she saw it.

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