23 | The Choice of Arwen Undómiel

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23 | The Choice of Arwen Undómiel


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa.

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: November 2980 T.A

Ever since the council finished, Illyria felt like she had a red target on her back in every part of the valley.

Not even a pair of scissors could cut the massive tension between every living and thinking person in this place, especially with wary eyes and whispers now openly travelling about ever since the eldest son of Fëanor was supposedly in Imladris.

(She was still pissed at him about the council stunt and to make him suffer from it: Illyria made him collect data to all her tech about the place. Not the most torturous punishment but it made an ancient elf bored though.)

And whilst that was going, the fact that news of the One Ring was now known in the valley the elves were starting to worry...which was the most rational thing anybody could do. It's the One Ring, how else would anyone react if you found out some dark soul-possessing weapon was in your house.

If she could vocalize her advice: she would probably tell people to hide their kids and hide their wives.

Or as what the Fellowship would be doing: walking thousands of miles to yeet that motherfucker into a volcano.

Thankfully, they chose to do the second suggestion.

Illyria Strange just didn't like the fact that her daughter was gonna join. And she still didn't like it and God it made her almost sob every time she imagined every horrible scenario in her head that she had to stop herself before the twins or Arwen graced over her thoughts and over worry.

But as much as it was totally ripping her heart: she accepted it.

Others...well, they haven't yet truly comprehended yet.

Mostly those who knew Arwen long enough insisted (even begged) for her to stay. Even if she would break her promise (practically an oath to be honest), they said that she would be forgiven for the sake of keeping her life.

That part sort of made her raise her eyebrows at them (rather specifically Erestor and every elleth in this valley). Was it that simple to be forgiven because someone did what they thought was right?

Fuck, if she had a penny for knowing people like that, she probably made about five bucks. Knowing the Avengers, and the inner workings of the superhero world: there's been a lot of saving and not a lot of acceptance. It made her angry to know end that yes, they saved an entire civilization from mass destruction and yet are mad for breaking such things as the Sokovia Accords.

She was glad that someone finally got rid of General Ross a few months back. He would not like the fact that she created a portal in a university lab with three elves and a reincarnated elf who was now a genius-level engineer. Not to mention that her mom was once on his list in monitoring after the Hex incident.

Which, by far in her accordance: was not cool.

If anybody messed with her mom; they would get a heck of a beating and perhaps every secret spilt out from their mouths.

Thankfully, she was not anything related to the Lewis' and stuck to her own powers of telepathy, mind-reading and her own game of flashlight. And whilst she was heavily focused on her mother, she realised then how draining and heavy-burdened it was as a parent.

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