7 | Miss me, Mire?

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7 | Miss me, Mire?


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Oxford, UK, Earth

Time: May 2027

Only two days.

It only took two goddamn days for this shit to go down.

So down that, they might be down-under in Australia the moment this fight against a Balrog was done. A Balrog: one of the fiercest creatures of all Arda that not only killed Glorfindel but also Ecthelion and possibly Gandalf in the near future.

Wait, was this the same one? The Balrog in the movies didn't look like this.

This one was bigger and very much on fire.

Illyria took a moment to mentally take a breather and prepared herself, altering her clothes to her robes and armour before she brought her magic through her hands.

The balrog was several miles off, just down near Christ Church Meadow, where surely a lot of students and other residents were out in the afternoon summer. They needed to get the citizens away before they could strike. So, in doing so, Illyria opened a portal for them to enter through before shutting it down.

As she gazed up over the shadow, she held her breath in shock at its sight.

In a way, she should have stopped being shocked at large-scaled enemies, since it was nothing compared to seeing Ant-Man being 65 feet tall, punching a Chitauri Leviathan with his fists, or Mephisto literally about to burn London from the many Hell Dimensions. That had been a sight to behold, especially once she realised that the demon could possibly kill her father and decimate the Earth dimension. Mephisto had terrified her so much that she might as well as peed her pants seeing him swallow buildings whole. [1]

However, there wasn't a Scarlet Witch nor a Sorcerer Supreme to combat this. (They also didn't have the power of god and anime on their side, unfortunately.) And even at her expense, she had limited knowledge on how to handle such large creatures...or technically twisted Maiar. [2]

Oh, this was going to be interesting.

Thank her brother and Maedhros for acting fast, already on the Balrog as she began to gesture for the citizens to get behind her. Illyria formed an Eldritch shield, large enough to cover her and two dozen people, as she ordered more of them to get as far as they could. Most of them had children, abandoning their prams as they carried their children.

As she held the shield up, her ears twitched as she heard a high pitch scream from down the path.

Amongst the trees, a woman and her child were cowering underneath trees.

Suddenly, the Balrog's whip slashed against its branched – catching it on fire. Smoke began to rise, and she immediately brought her shield down as she formed another portal and leapt across. She appeared just in front of the mother and child, forming her own light shield against the tree to stop it from igniting the others. The mother stared at her, mostly confused about how she even got there.

After telling them to head through the portal and assuring them of its safety, the mother had her child clung to her before leaping through. Illyria closed the portal as she was sure they were safe right on the other side of the park, allowing her to carefully bring the energy of the fire through her magic before sensing it pass her chest.

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