Part Two | Hrívë Utúlië

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T H E  C H A N G I N G  O F   T H E  S O N G

P A R T  T W O

Hrívë Utúlië

Quenya. Winter Has Come


"What you think of the Noldor are the courts under Gil-Galad and perhaps Turgon and Galadriel." 

He explained, his voice a little louder for both to hear – but also her brother upfront. "You have seen the ambition my cousins have. You've remembered Gil-Galad's court. Those of our age, the first generation of our house – they are rather...different. More unmoving, I supposed. They are not as flexible as the younger generations who had withheld titles."


"I assume the rest of the Noldor are using as much of Forlindon and Harlindon or what remains there," Glorfindel inquired when he changed the subject.


She took a breath before she continued, "Half war and half preparation in case it takes years. Ereinion is dealing with the war meetings before the great council. It is why he is with Círdan all the time. Dior and Oropher meet and exchange letters from Harlindon though it is mostly Mereneth who travels between the cities to inform any recent changes or proposed plans."


Voronwë retorted: "I don't believe having Balrogs and Iron Dragons burning Ondolindë is just a problematic circumstance, Mire."


A heavy sigh escaped his mouth, hands scratching the back of his head as he said frustratingly, "I really don't understand Lady Írissë... But she brought him along."


From Chapter One of The Changing of the Song: Hrívë Utúlië


Author's Note:

Part Two is Out Now which leads up straight from this.

Thank you again for reading and I'm so glad to announce the long-awaited second part of this series. This would be longer than this one and would extend to more characters as it develops. 

But the focus of Part Two will be the Noldor and their involvement in the Wars of Middle Earth. It will also set up the battles that would come by the end of Part Two and throughout Parts Three and Four.

Most of Part Two will also have more elements of the Movies/Books with a lot of the dialogue coming from the movie script. Some parts will be based on the books but I will stick to the Movies for the canon parts as I am more accustomed to/understand them better.

Thank you again for reading and see you in part 2 <3

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