4 | Paprikash and Letters

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4 | Paprikash and Letters


Darcy Lewis | Doctor of Astrophysics

Location: New York Sanctum, New York City, USA, Earth

Time: May 2027

She shouldn't be worrying at all, but you can't blame a pregnant woman for it.

Her hormones were everywhere, left-right-front and centre, that even the littlest thing that wasn't right was going to make her cry. Especially if was to do with either her coffee (which she was pissed that she had to cut down her caffeine because that was 'doctor's orders' and that it wouldn't be good for the baby and bablablah...), that she went to begging for Jane to come back and just make her a secret cup.

Heck, she could steal a sling ring, get up to space, just to ask Monica or any of her Skrull friends to make her some snazzy alien coffee. (Wait, did they have coffee in space and their home planet? If so, Darcy could only assume that they had the equivalent of a coffee bean that was growing there.) Sadly, she couldn't do anything much, let alone walk around just to get some milk down at the store. [1]

All hell broke loose when she realised that she couldn't even wear her nice pair of 'hot scientist' shoes that she bought off from eBay, a pair of wedge boots that made her at least not look like a dwarf between her, Wong, Stephen and Illyria. Heck, it was bad enough they had the tallest elf living under their roof from time to time. [2]

Maedhros 'the Tall' really got his name earned well for being over seven-foot. She knew basketball players with similar heights as him and they would never compare how agile and deadly this elf was.

So there she was, trying to bend her arse down just to slip a pair of sneakers. When Darcy reached her hand to the shoes, she was stopped abruptly due to the big mass obviously on her stomach. She heaved as far down as she could and just didn't even try another before she sighed in frustration.

If she was going to suffer the consequences, she was going to make the person who even did this to her help her.


As if it was magic (she still isn't going to lose that joke, especially the amount of teleportation he and Illyria did nowadays) - Stephen appeared from their bedroom door. He approached her, a little wary at her which he should.

She couldn't sleep at all last night, too uncomfortable with the bump that she now had.

When he noticed her still in the room for the past hour, Stephen sighed and asked, "Darcy? Did you have to shout?" His voice changed with concern, "What did you need?"

With her arms out wide, she answered tiredly: "Please help me. I was trying to get my shoes and...yeah."

His eyes wandered a little over her stomach, before nodding carefully. A hum left his lips as he spoke, "Sit down; I'll sort it out."

Darcy thanked him, feeling more relieved that at least there was somebody in the Sanctum to help with her.

Well, in all honesty, she was hardly ever alone nowadays. He didn't say it or accept it: but Stephen Strange was a very worried man when it came to those he cared. Even so, it was borderline possessive. It wasn't that he had her caged up or anything, but he was always dotting her on food, exercise and her workload. Hell, the many times he even asked if she needed to get up the stairs from the foyer up to where her office was in the Sanctum was driving her nuts.

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