1.) the big video

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February 16, 2015, Monday

The Goldsberry house ~

"Come on Y/n! IT'LL BE FUN!" My sister pleaded and begged.

"No Ren, I don't feel like it. Now get outtt." I groaned as I flop myself on my bed.

"If you do do it, I will... hmmm maybe take you out to café brazil?" She smirks.

"Well now we're talking, go set that shit up." I shoe her.

Renee nods and she exits my room. Renee is also my older sister we live together in New York, we have for maybe like 4 years. We both have a great passion for singing and always have for the longest. We we're just arguing about how I wouldn't help upload a duet of both of us singing. Ehh I feel a little iffy about it because I don't really handle criticism very well. I guess I'll do it for my sister..

"Alright, I got everything set up." She walks into my room letting me know.

"Be there in a sec." I reply not looking up from my phone.

I touch up my hair and makeup then go to the living room.

"Okay so what song are we singing?" I question.

"Not sure yet, do you have any ideas?"

"How about 'All of Me' by John legend" I ask. "I could hop onto the piano and we can split the verses that way we can both sing?"

"I'm down." She said excitedly.

"You've got it down?" I asked.

"Yeah I think." Renée replies.


"How about for our hashtags we put #musical#LinmanuelMiranda since he's making that new musical." Renée loved In The Heights when we went to see it years ago, and ever since, she's loved that Lin guy.

"That'll get a lot buzz, it's smart put it."

"Alright, and posted!"

"Okay, now im going to bed since you kept me up" I say walking into my room.

"Goodnight!" Ren hollers through the house.

2 weeks later (March 2nd, Monday) —

Renée woke me up this morning my scaring the absolute shit out of me and screaming for me to come downstairs. "OH MY SHIT! Y/N GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"Am I in trouble? What is it?" I rubbed my eyes walking to the living room.


"You and Lin I swear might as well marry the man." I chuckle at how excited she was.

"Uh no, he's married to the beautiful one and only Vanessa Nadal."

"You're such a fan girl." I sigh sitting across the table from her. "Show me the comment."

She turned her laptop towards me and I saw the amount of views and comment, holy shit..

"Oh wow! Dm him."

"Well no shit." She rolls her eyes at me playfully "I already did."

"Well what'd you say, What'd he say?"

"Chill. Let me see if he's responded."

Hey Lin, I guess this is me and my sister messaging you.

Ahh yes perfect! So I absolutely LOVED the way the both your voices sound! I was informed by my team that there was a video of 2 girls singing with my name in the tag, and the musical I'm doings name. And I decided to check it out and just... wow. I'm star-struck. If you guys would like to audition for 'Hamilton' this Friday at 5:00 Pm EST at the Public theater. That'd be awesome! It's totally up to you guys though.

Oh my gosh! Seriously? We'll be there this is so great thank you so much.

Of course see you Friday at auditions!

reneegoldsberry liked this message!

hey guys i hope you liked this! it was something i wrote quickly just for funzies not sure if anyone would be reading this but tysm!! literally working on part 2

words - 657

last updated - December 20th, 2021, Monday

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now