10.) opening night and after party

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It was the next week. August 6th 2015, opening night. Not only was it opening night, but it was also Leslie's Birthday. So a huge day. I woke up at around 8:30 AM to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I walk into my master bedroom's connected bathroom and brush my teeth, my skin was looking a bit dry so I rinsed it a bit. I rush into the kitchen to see Renée cooking with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Well good morning sunshine." She chuckles flipping a pancake.

"Good morning sisterrrr!" I hoot.

"You nervous for today?"

"Im gonna be 100% honest with you... Im shitting my pants." She playfully shoes me off with a disgusted look.

"What about you?" I ask grabbing a piece of bacon off of the stove.

"Excited, very very excited."

"That's cool, I'd love to talk but I need to shower."

"Okay just hurry before the food gets cold please." She shouts as I sprint down the hallway.

I run to my bedroom and grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie because we had 3 shows today so I wouldn't be in my own clothes for long. I turn on my shower water and hop in. I quickly wash myself up and dry off with a fluffy white towel, I wrap my hair in the towel and throw on my clothes quickly. I rush to the dining room and see the food with Renée sitting at the table, eyes glued to the TV. I glance at the TV while serving myself a plate. The news anchor is talking about our opening night, holy shit.

"Broadway sensation Lin-Manuel Miranda from 'In The Heights' has a new musical called 'Hamilton' opening on broadway tonight, the musical being performed 3 times tonight, get your tickets before time runs out!!" She preaches.



"CALM DOWN!" I inhale and exhale calmly.

"We'll be fine and do great all 3 performances, It'll all pay off in the end when we go to that after party am I right, WE GET TO MEET BEYONCÉ!"

"BEYONCÉ!" I cheer.

time skip —

Renée and I were about to leave the house.


I run back inside hearing Renée groan. I rush into my closet grabbing my dress which was in a bag to protect it from anything that may happen. The dress was a beautiful midnight blue deep V dress. I was in love. I rush back to the car grabbing my makeup bag that was on the counter. I hop in the car and let Renée pull outta the driveway. We make it to the theater and we knock on the door.

"Who's here?" A voice calls from the other side of the door.

"Y/n and Nae!" I reply. The door creaks open a tad then fully opens. There I see Daveed with his hands spread wide out.

"BRING IT INNNNN!!" He yells.

"You're such an idiot." Renée says hugging him.


"Im not fucking hugging yo- DAVEED LET ME GO!" I yell being squished.


"Damn you lowkey smell good."

"The ladies love it." He winks.

"THERES OTHER LADIES?" I hear Emmy call out from the stage.

"NAHH!" He tries to sound innocent but was followed along with a voice crack.

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now