24.) i didn't know

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April 14, 2016.

DISCLAIMER — I, myself have never participated in a court case/trial whatsoever, so I went off of what I knew (*cough* law & order) and I did a bit of research to make sure it was some-what accurate to make the story feel right. Carry on 😟.



"Get the secretary, Michael." The NYPD detective said to the guard who stood in the corner of the room watching each of their moves. He nodded.

"Now, you are gonna tell me what happened and the truth only!"

"I didn't do nothing." James scoffed.

"Oh really?"

"Where's my lawyer? I am innocent."

"On his way. But if you are so innocent, then care to explain this footage James?" The officer slid to James an iPad with surveillance footage from Y/n's ring camera.

"Yeah thats not proof I attempted murder. I could have been doing anything!"

"So why'd you kick the door down?"

"Simple. She wasn't answering the door." He shrugged.

"You could've called her."

"I could've." James rolled his eyes.

"Sir." The guard wheezed with a man beside him.
"Secretary's here." He pointed with his thumb.

"Great, we meed a certified jury for this trial."

"I'll send out the papers." The secretary sighed.


Alright Alright, here we are, the Radio Free Brooklyn station and I'm telling you man this shit cray! The blooming broadway star Y/n Goldsberry, younger sister of  'RENT' sensation Renèe Elise Goldsberry, almost gets brutally murdered by her own makeup artist?! The source Broadway bounce claims the family even talked about pressing charges.

Y/n supposedly jumped on her attacker and almost strangled him to death! Speaking of Y/n Goldsberry, here comes her single, Love.

I used to think that I wasn't fine enough~

"Awh hell nah! Now I got the news on my dick?" She paced back and forth in Lin's living room with Anthony & Lin sitting on the couch.

"Listen mija, my wife should be home soon. She's a great attorney and she'll make sure you win this case."

"Yeah baby, try to relax." Lin inhaled harshly and shook his head at Anthony's poor choice of words.

"Relax? I am damn near passing out right now bro!"

"I get it I get it bu-"

"I'M HERE I'VE ARRIVED BUSINESS BUSINESS." Vanessa walked into the house with a purse in one hand and her sunglasses in another.

"Great." I clapped my hands together sitting down on the couch between the two men.

"I will make sure we win this case Y/n, you have my word."

"How are we gonna win? Everyone knows James is a pathological liar."

"You have proof and a witness." She glances over at Anthony. "That'll make this case 1000 times easier."


the day of the trial —

Cameras, everywhere. This trial was said to be open to the public and press. James' idea of course. If this guy really thinks this is gonna "save" his non existent reputation, boy is he in for a long ride. I really hope he doesn't think he's just gonna walk out of here with no charges.

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now