26.) everything is legal in Jersey

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hey guys, I've been trying to keep this story from dying for a long time and my reads are down but I'm still staying motivated.

July 20, 2016.

"Yo, what if we all went to Jersey." Anthony laughed and looked up from his phone. All of us were at the theater in the green room. Leslie was singing wait for it on stage.

"What?" He asked as we all paused what we were doing to look at him. We were all questioning it.

"That's actually kinda smart, Anthony you don't usually say smart shit." Jasmine said with an almost confused face.

"Jasmine shut the fuck up no one asked you to talk."

"She's not wrong." Chris chuckled quietly while chewing on some gum.

"Do y'all ever stop arguing?" I asked with my head resting on my hand waiting for the nonstop nonsense to quiet down.

"But should we?" Anthony asked again.

"And do what?" Lin asked putting a questioning hand out.

"Six flags!" Oak suggested out of nowhere. "I've

been so many times as a kid and it's super sick."

"How far?" I asked.

"Only like an hour and a half drive." He shrugged.

"What if we stayed like a good 2 days, then

go to where Hamilton died on the second day? The dueling grounds ya know?" I asked, it was on the way back anyway.

"Y/n, you're a fucking genius," Lin said snapping his fingers.

I flipped my hair back sarcastically. "I know."

"Y'all down?" Anthony shrugged.

We all agreed on leaving tomorrow. So the next morning the second the sun rose we got packed and went to a car rental company to rent a big minivan we could all fit in.

Anthony and I were the ones in charge of getting the vehicle and picking everyone up. We were in the waiting large waiting room.

"You know, I've never been to Jersey." I was the first to break the silence.

"Really?" Anthony turned to look at me.

"Yeah, I know. Besides Jas' place" I chuckled a little. "I mean I was born in Dallas, Texas so the second I came to New York I never really thought about going to Jersey."


"That's crazy. I remember going all the time to New J when I was a lil' kid."

"What would you do there?"

"Me, my momma dukes, my brother, and little sister used to always go to the beach. It's so beautiful."

"Hey, Anthony?" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah?" His accent popped out like no other.

"What happened to your dad? Wait never mind that was a stupid question. I don't know why I asked I'm sorry..."

"You aight ma." He smiled and let out a slight laugh. "I don't really like getting into it much pero he was an alcoholic and drug dealer, he abused my moms n shit then one day my neighbors heard I guess, and called 12." he paused for a moment.

"You didn't have to tell me." I shook my head feeling guilty as if I had almost forced it out of him.

"I'm not finished, he tried to make me and my brother flush all his stuff but it was too late, they locked him up. Now that I think about it he's probably out there now... Maybe he already has another family he treats right. I'll never know, and I don't think I wanna know."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now