18.) the eve of Christmas with the Ramos'

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The day was December 24, 2015. Snow was scattered all along the beautiful streets of New York. Y/n had just woken up, Anthony was still asleep. Are we really surprised? No. Y/n decided to make breakfast. The two were going to celebrate Christmas with the Hamlfam today because everyone had family to celebrate with tomorrow. Y/n and Anthony were gonna go to Ant's family's house tonight and celebrate at 12:00am on the dot. Though Y/n has met Anthony's siblings and mom, she has yet to meet his cousins and other relatives...

This left Anthony quite nervous. His cousins were quite critical and he knew how Y/n handled criticism, one time she locked herself in a closet and hyperventilated after someone commented about a little voice crack she had on a video of her singing. She deleted the video a few seconds after she read the comment. Oh Goldie...

"You finished packing?"  Anthony asked Y/n as he yawned walking out of their shared bedroom with a blanket over both of his shoulders.

"I think." She put a finger on her chin thinking of what else she may have needed for the night with his family while flipping some pancakes.

He walked over to the couch grabbing the remote from the kitchen table. "I know you already know that Mario is a dick, but when he's with my cousins he's worse so just try to ignore him." He shrugged.

"I don't think Mario's a dick." She furrowed her eyebrows grabbing some plates from the cupboard.

"Y/n dear... It's just the two of us here, you can tell the truth you know."

"I'm serious. Mario seems nice..ish. Besides that one time he asked me why I chose you out of the whole cast of 'hotties'. " She chuckled with finger quotations.

"Yeah well he's gonna be a whole lot worse...So prepare yourself."

"Well now you got me anxious." She said while picking up a piece of bacon off of the pan and putting it in her mouth.

"Don't be. Let's do a lil rundown on the fam aight?"

"Okay.." She trailed off.

"Mildred Ramos, aka my momma. The hippie who I know you'll get along with because ya'll both like that crystal and astrology type shit. Then we got Steph, you know how her little annoying ass is," He rolled his eyes at the thought of Stephanie telling Y/n shit about his childhood and her making fun of him.

"Hey don't be mean! Steph is amazing." She put a hand on her chest.

"Yeah okay," He scoffed. "Next up we have Alejandro, the youngest cousin. He's like 6 I think. He's one of them silver teeth kids, do not trust the child with nothin'." He warned me.

I gasped. "That's a child you're talking about Ant, chill."

"Yeah just wait. Then we got Daniella, she's like 13 and she thinks she's 17. Like when I was in high school and played baseball, my family would bring her to my games and she'd ask me to hook her up with some of my baseball friends." He cringed at the memory.

Y/n laughed."How old was she at the time?" She served a plate to Anthony. 

"The girl was 7!!" He exclaimed throwing out his arms.

"Okay okay who's next?"  Y/n asked while raising her fork to her mouth.

"Then it's Valentina, Daniella's twin. She's literally the complete opposite of Daniella."

"So she acts her age?" She covered her mouth full of food while talking.

"Ehh." Anthony shook his hand sideways a bit. "Aight now we got Sofía, she talks a lot, the girl will talk ya ear off. She's 16 and also my cousin." Y/n nodded. "Then we got Jacob and Ricky, they're actually really chill and get along with anyone, they're like 17 and 18 they have different dads but they're brothers."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now