3.) truth or dare

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"Okay lets start I'll go first because it was my idea MUAHHAHSH."

"Thayne if you don't start already." I say

"Chillll. Okay Misses Bravery since you wanna be all sassy truth or dare?" Thayne asks me.

"Uhhh.. Dare?"

"Hmmm, I dare you to drink a whole cup of tequila."

"So you're just trying to get me drunk? I'm very sensitive to alcohol." I nod putting a hand on my chest.

"Haha real funny, now do it." He says sarcastically.

"Shit. No more cookies for you then." I mutter earning a little chuckle from the group.

I get up from the circle that we were in on the floor and go to the kitchen to pour a glass as Anthony's watching me I come back and take a sip


"Nothing." He shakes his head smiling.

"He likes you." Daveed whispers in my ear.

"Shut the fuck up. Okay my turn uhh Freckles, Truth or Dare."


"Okay no risks taken huh? Okay whats your biggest fear?"

"Don't laugh okay? Dolls.." We all laugh so loudly to where the neighbors can hear us while Anthony just sits there slapping our arms for us to shut up.

"Im sor- Im sorry dolls?" This girl named Jasmine laughs.

"I told yall not to laugh!!" He whines at us. Cutie..

"Wait why dolls? There's gotta be a story to this." Phillipa asks with a smile set on her face.

"I don't know they just look creepy."He cringed at just the though of them." I swear when I was younger, I seen a doll cock It's head at me when I walked by."

"Okay okay go Anthony!" I say.

"Hmm. Groff sauce, Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He raised an eyebrow.

"I dare you to, wear lipstick for the rest of the game. Y/n or Renée, do you have any?"

"That's on Y/n. I don't wear lipstick." Renée said.

I get up and run to the restroom where my makeup is, leaving everyone alone in an uncomfortable silence I run back with a very red shaded lipstick.

"I have this beautiful shade of red that you'd look great in." I smiled at him scooting closer to his face in order to apply the lipstick.

"Beautiful just beautiful." I brought the mini mirror up to his face. He looked at himself and shut his eyes roughly and sighed with a following chuckle.

"Ah yes chef's kiss." He spits.

"Okay, Anthony truth or dare?" Groff says.

"Ugh again? Dare."

"Seven minutes in heaven with Y/n." Groff tauntingly turned his head at Anthony.

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now