21.) 41 witnesses | pt. 2

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ONCE AGAIN, SLIGHT TW — Mentions of rape, drugs, and sex. You've been warned. ALSO, this whole chapter is full of spoilers soooo. SPOILER!!

January 15, Thursday, 2016, in Brooklyn New York.


It was settled!! Anthony and I were officially doing the episode. He was pretty skeptical but somehow Lin worked his "magical talking skills" is what he called them anyway, and he convinced him it'd be great for us. We were currently on set in a courtyard.In the episode I had just boughten and snorted ketamine, or 'special k'. I'd be playing a character by the name of Libby Parker, and for Anthony, he'd be playing a character named Juan Flores. The case was on sexual assault, basically Libby would be assaulted by Juan and his 2 other friends. Libby would later be found unconscious in the cold courtyard floor in front of her apartment complex.

Once the morning came the body was more visible as it was just lying there, soon after law enforcement and medics came and took Libby to the hospital. SVU tries to build a case against her aggressors, but none of the the dozens of potential witnesses who saw the attack are willing to come forward.

We were currently filming the part where the 3 men dragged me to the courtyard, one of the three men was Ronnie Ellis, his real name was J. Mallory McCree, he and Anthony would be 'shoving themselves in my mouth'

"AND ACTION!" Peter Jankowski, another producer, had shouted from the other side of the Brooklyn courtyard.

"Yo I bet you ain't never seen one like this." J said unbuckling his belt while Anthony held my mouth open, Jason Genao or 'Will Reeves' was holding me down skeptically of whomever could be watching.

"Stop let's just her go, man" He whispered quietly trying to stop the heated situation that was escalating by the second.

"Yo stop bitching." Anthony bumped his shoulder roughly. I let out a scream to fit my characters scene.

"ALRIGHT AND SCENE! We'll be back in 5 guys." Peter shouted.

Anthony and I went to a table under a tent stand, the table was full of snacks and drinks for all of us. I took a bag of chips and found a chair in the middle of the road, I brought it over to the tent and sat on it. Anthony stood in front of me while eating a banana.

Jason walked up to us. "Hey big daddies."

"Hey papi." Anthony kissed his cheek.

"Y'all learned the definition of gay and took it to the next level..." I muttered.

"What're y'all doing?" He asked.

I sighed while taking my phone out of my pocket opening up instagram. "Nothing much really, ouu Jasmine texted me."

"Not even gone lie.. She's bad as fuck man." J said while walking up to us biting through an apple.

"Woahh man, she's dating our friend." Anthony nodded at my statement. J put his hands up in defense.

"So what'd she say?" Ant asked. I opened her snap she sent me and it was a picture of her with mascara running from her eyes, the text said.. 'We broke up.'

"Holy shit." I covered my mouth that was hanging wide open. I quickly texted her back.

'What happened?'
'Are you okay?'
'I'm coming over as soon as we're done shooting.'

She quickly started typing back saying.

'No it's not serious. I'm fine'

'But I'm still coming over.' I texted back.

"THEY DID WHAT NOW?" Anthony asked from over my shoulder. He had read the messages I'm assuming.

"Yeah." I gulped dreading going to the theater next week, this will be fun.


"So she single?" J smiled mischievously. I instantly shot him a glare. "Too soon?"


"I'll be quick Ant I promise."

"Please." He was lightly hitting his fist against the steering wheel,We had left set and drove to Jasmine's apartments first thing, I practically had to beg Anthony because he was kinda hangry, I gave him a peck on the cheek and hopped out of the car. I rushed to Jasmines door and gave it 3 quick knocks before opening the door. She was on the couch eating a tub of ice cream.

"Oh honey." I gave her a hug while rocking back and forth. "What happened?"

"He texted me that things wouldn't work out with the whole show and everything and I just agreed not knowing what to say." She wiped a tear she had felt from her eye threatening to fall at any given moment.

"Do you wanna have a girls day this week, we could get our hair and nails done, what do you say?"

She nodded. "But what about Law & Order?"

I protested. "I'll find time." After all if she's getting through some tough shit she should need some help.


"Well I have to go, Ant's waiting for me in the car. I'll call you when I get home or text you or whatever." She waved me off and with that, I got into the car and Anthony drove us home.



words — 883

last updated — Saturday, February 19, 2022

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now