16.) the move

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October 18, 2015, Sunday. Manhattan, New York

"Then this is the master bedroom."

Times have been tough, especially lately... Hamilton was gaining a lot of attention and more fans by the day. Of course, the cast was gaining money but not handfuls as everyone thought. By everyone, we mean Renée and Y/n's landlord. He'd upped the rent just because he heard the actors in Hamilton were gaining "millions". Their apartment was already expensive as hell but thank god those savings they saved when they were younger didn't go to waste.

But now everything had come crashing down, not even their family could help do anything. It was time to keep the options open. This Sunday, Renée and
Y/n we're out looking for houses closer to the theater. At this point, it didn't matter how close they were. It was just what was in their budget.

"Uhm, Beth, could you please leave Y/n and me alone for a second. We'd like to have a chat." Renée gives a warm smile to the lady who was giving us a tour of her apartment complex.

"Of course." She walks out of the empty hollow room and stayed outside of the door.

"Okay so Y/n I've been thinking about it lately, and by that I mean it just came to mind." She pauses.

"Mhm," I reply with my suspicions.

"Maybe to make it easier you coulllddd.." Her voice had gotten higher the father she went on.

"I could what?"


"Once more perhaps?"

"Maybe you can move in with Anthony?"

I chuckle. "Yeah good one."

"No Y/n/n... Seriously. Rent is difficult, hell, finding a cheap 2 roomed apartment is already as hard as it is. Anthony has a huge ass complex and I'm sure, wouldn't mind sharing with the love of his life." She shrugs.

"But we've only-"

"I know it's only been a few months but you guys are adults. It shouldn't be too hard if you get your shit straight." I sigh in defeat. "Think about it." She places a hand on my shoulder.

As if it were 'perfect timing' Bethany knocked at the door clarifying if it were a time for her to come in.

After the tour —

"Yeah, Beth I think we're done for the day."

"Alright, let me know."

"We will."

I wave to her as Renée hits the gas.

Later at home —

"And so she wants me to move in with him." I finish ranting to Jasmine who was looking at all my clothes in my closet.

"Oh... wow. I mean that's a pretty big step in a relationship."

"I know," I whine slouching down on my bed. "What do you think I should do?" I ask while looking at her.

"To be honest, I'm not gonna tell you you shouldn't, but also not going to tell you to." She sits on the edge of my bed. "I feel like this is surely gonna be big. But the two of you seem mature... enough." She shrugs only sarcastically laughing.

"How are you so good with these things?"

"Gifted." She smiles.

"So how are you and Oak tree?"

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now