11.) the media's reaction

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Now, let's see where we left off. Anthony and Y/n finally made it official... ON OPENING NIGHT. WTF? Now since there was no context whatsoever about what happened afterwards... lets go over what happened last night after that post.

about 20 minutes after the picture was uploaded —

"I feel so good that we're finally dating." Y/n smiled closely to Anthonys lips as they were slow dancing along side everyone else.

"Do you?" He smiles.

"I do." She says pecking his lips.

"Oo you know what we should do?"

"Oh no." Anthony sighs.

"Whatt?" She says in a high pitch voice.

"What is it?"

"We should celebrate with some champagne." She smiles cheekily.

"Ughhh WOOAH HEY—"

Y/n drags Anthony by his wrist to the bar and Y/n did get her bottle of champagne. Y/n sat with Anthony at the empty table enjoying the alone time with her boyfriend and savoring the flavor of champagne.

"This is relaxing as fuck not even gonna lie right now." Anthony sips.

"Told you it wasn't a bad idea."

"Yeah that's until the alcohol starts to kick in." Anthony mutters.

"What was that?"

"Nothing baby." He smiles.

"YESS! I love that we're already getting comfortable with each-other."

"You act like we've been strangers all this time we've known eachotha." He chuckles.

"Well I just like having someone I can actually trust, ya feel?"

"Yeah I feel."

about 20 minutes later —

(DISCLAIMER ! — being that I am a minor, I have no idea how long it takes for alcohol to set in so I know this is not accurate, don't come for me.)


"Y/n please get down from the pool table."Anthony rubs his temples.


"Oh my fucking go-"

"Uhh why the hell is my sister dancing on a pool table?" Renée walks up to Anthony with a cup of wine.

"RENÉE! Thank god, please help me." He glances at Y/n.

"Sooo... I saw what Y/n posted earlier."

"Yeah, I would love to tell you all about it but right now-"

"Wait is that Chad," She places a hand on his chest "OH HEY CHAD! OVER HERE." She waves her hand at 'Chad' Then runs over to him.

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now