29.) you caught me

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this is just gonna be a short little chapter just to explain what happened after the previous one. enjoy 😘

september 8, 2016

"oh hell no! i knew it was something with y'all i fuckin knew it!"

"y/n it's not what it looks like" anthony let go of
that wanda hoe

"fuck is you talking about? y'all was dead about to kiss"

"listen honey-" that ugly nappy headed bitch was seriously talking.

"don't even get me started on you're home wrecking ass , i been had a feeling some shit was going on so what's up hoe" i dropped all my shit to the ground ready to fight this bitch

"baby please, i am too grown and fine to be fighting a bitch"

"who a bitch???"


"step to me then grandma i ain't with none of that talking shit ima take yo ass from walking with a cane to be using a wheelchair so lets go" i tied my hair back and swung on her. it was all a blur i don't remember shit that happened all i do recall was her falling to the ground and me getting on top of her and repeatedly punching her, that was until anthony pulled me off of her anyway

"nah this some jerry springer shit." anthony had me behind him practically on top of me while my back was pressed up against the wall. "i'm calling diggs and jas."

"oh hell no you did not." grandma tried to run up but ended up hitting anthony while he extended his leg out trying to keep distance between us while on the phone.

"get your old ass the fuck out my house!"

"i'm not going no where baby! might as well run it with your friend too." anthony glanced back at me while we gave each other a look, yeah i was mad at dewanda furious if not, but i wasn't tryna kill the motherfucker.

"jas is gon do you worse than i did, take the L already goofy." i kept trying to get anthony off of me but he was too heavy. "get off of me!"

"listen! none of y'all is going no where. we gon sit down and talk let's handle this like grown ups." i couldn't help but laugh at him, he couldn't be serious.

"shutup! if anything i should be swinging on you" i slapped him in the face leaving a red mark. "if i wanted therapy i'd get it. fuck all that i'm gone you have fun though ant..." i kicked him off of me and left the apartment. just like that all my emotions hit me i was hurt. i started to cry my eyes out

i walked outside and saw that josiah's car was still outside. i looked through the windshield and he was on the phone, it wasn't long before he saw me crying and waved me over to the car. i walked to the drivers side of the car and he opened his

"y/n, what happened?" i immediately hug him. it'd be weird of me to tell the guy who just obliterated my insides about my boyfriend 'cheating' or whatever the fuck that was. "why you scratched up? did he hit you?" josiah unbuckled his seatbelt hella fast. i shook my head no. i had no other options i had to tell him what happened.

i was surprised at the way he reacted, he was very comforting during the whole situation. "come home with me, just for tonight, or however long you need"

"i can't let you do that siah..."

"please baby." him and anthony were the same person it felt weird but right at the same time

"alright" i crack a smile as he wiped a tear from my cheek. he leaned in to kiss me and i wish he didn't. i curved him when i heard my apartment complex door open.

"is you serious? you gon get mad at me for hugging dee but you out here in my parking lot kissing on this dude?"

i look up at the sky and close my eyes. "fuck" i said under my breath. as if things couldn't get worse jas and daveed pull up. "fuck!"

the couple came out of the car. "i hope one of y'all is dying right now, honestly! i was in the middle of..." she glanced at daveed "something extremely important! so somebody please tell me, what the fuck is it now?" she was shouting and slurring over her words, the alcohol clearly hadn't worn off of her.

"jasmine please get back in the car." daveed escorted her.

"th-this the bitch who said she wanted to
fight me?" she pointed to dewanda "come here!"

she scoffed. "now this isn't even a fair fight"

"shutup pussy you got rocked" i shouted at her across the parking lot

"my offer still stands y/n" josiah took my hands in his. anthony watching this all fall out must have been emotional because he had tears in his eyes.

"i don't know." i took my hands away from him and ran my hand over my face.

"ohh y/n hes even cuter when he's outside the bar" jasmine chuckled. man it was best i did leave at this point.

"you know what y/n, i should've fucked her! don't come back." him and his little whore walked back into the apartment together and slammed the door.

"i guess im taking up on your offer." i sigh. what a night.

"y/n!" daveed yelled to me. i walked over his car which was in the middle of the street. i had to talk to him at least. "i know you're not gonna listen to me if i tell you you're making a mistake so i won't bother, but please stay safe. you know i got love for you kid. text me." he punched my shoulder. easier on my part i guess.

"josiah i just don't know what to do." i close the car door.

"it's okay, i'm here for you."

"why are you being so nice to me?"

"cause i fuck with you."

"but i only just met you tonight?"

"listen y/n... i just feel drawn to yo dumbass i know i just met you but i like your energy, from what i've seen so far anyway." he paused and there was a moment of silence between us. "i wanna see more"

"well i mean you've already seen my naked body is that not 'more' for you" i chuckle.

"this is what im talking about, you mad funny."

"what am i gonna do thoughh" i groan reclining the seat back as we made our way to wherever the fuck we were going. "my life is ruined once this news gets out to the people"

"don't say that"

"it's the truth. you and i both know it"

"look let's not worry about shit we can't prevent, tonight you and i are gonna have fun, we'll do whatever you want we can watch a movie, cook some shit up, whatever you want baby" he put his hand on my thigh while still focusing on the somehow busy rode at this hour.

"okay." i smiled to him. "where the fuck we going?"

"my crib"

"fuck i forgot you stay in jersey, damn"


sorry if u guys were expecting more for this chapter im on a flight back from hawaii and this 8hr flight got me hella bored so i had to give yall some content. but this is like the most consistent ive been so be proud of me 😒 i didn't wanna leave y'all hanging with what happened so anyways new chapter coming very very soon 😉

last updated – july 30, 2023

words – 1288

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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