9.) soccer love

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2 month time skip —

"Oh guys.."

Daveed says raising his voice to get our attention. A bunch of 'what's' and 'huh's' filled the room.

"So since opening night is coming up I thought I'd do something nice and take us all to a soccer game maybe?" He asks pulling out 9 tickets from his pocket.

"Oh my gosh, why are you being nice all of a sudden."

"I accidentally bought too many tickets, haha oopsies." Emmy pushes his arms chuckling.

"Dumbass." Chris laughs.

"So yes?"

"Hell yeah, who all is going?"

"Since I have 9 tickets lets take You, Anthony, Renée, Me, Emmy, Lin, Chris, Jasmine, Oak-"

"So basically all of us here?"Anthony cuts him off.

"I guess that's an easier way of putting it."He shrugs, causing us to laugh.

"When's the game?" I ask.

"Tonighttt." Daveed makes his voice go higher at the end.

"WHAT?!" We all ask shocked.

"Sorry.." He trails off.

"What time?"Anthony asks.

"6:30" I glance at my phone and see that the time is 5:04 pm.


Every separates, Renée and I go home because we need to pick up a few things, bringing Jasmine, Anthony, and Oak along with us. We get out of the car and all of us enter the penthouse.

"I still will never get over this house of yours."Anthony looks around amazed. I chuckle at his activity, Anthony came to the theater with a blue had on and it reminded me of the same one I had, they looked very similar.

"Hey Ant I think I have the same hat as you here. Should we match?"

"Hell yeah!!"

I laugh and drag him by the arm to my room. I pick up my hat from the top of all my hats stacked together. I plop it on my head and smile at Anthony.

"Aww look, the couple is matching!!!"Oak adores.

"Shut up." Anthony and I say in unison.

"GUYS LETS GO WERE GONNA BE LATE!" I hear Renée call from the living room.

"COMING!" I yell out.

"Ah so you're coming..?"Anthony whispers in my ear in a seductive tone.


"Chillax baby girl." He winks.

"Oh my gosh, let's go before I kill you."

We walk to the car and I start it up, Daveed was driving his car to the stadium with the others while I had who Renée and I had brought to our house. After about 30 minutes of talking about how the opening day was coming we had finally arrived. I jumped out the car and the group and I had looked around for Daveed's car, and the others. Once we find them we all enter the stadium.

"Okay you guys can go to our seats now that we know where they are. I'll get some beer, sodas, snack and shit."

"Okay bet." Daveed says running along with Emmy to the seats.

"Let me go with you." Anthony pleads.

"Okay yeah." I smile.

"We'll be at the seats, don't be too long." Lin yells over the man talking on the intercom thing.

"WE WONT!" I yell back.

"So what are you planning on getting?"Anthony asks me.

"Mm maybe some beer, cotton candy, pickles, coke, you know?"

"Sounds good butterfly."He winks.

"DUDE YOU GOTTA COME UP WITH BETTER NICKNAMES." I yell walking to a food booth.

We pick up the stuff we wanted and run back to the chairs we were previously at. The area Daveed had originally gotten was a private area with lots of room. Now we had it all to ourselves. We sat our food and drinks down on a mini table and sat down. I took a sip of my beer and waited for the game to start.

"Y/N, ANTHONY COME HERE FOR A PICTURE!" I hear Ren scream, I groan and stand up following her voice with Anthony following behind me.

"Smile!!" Daveed shouts from his seat causing me to glance at him. I feel something tickle my side but quickly notice it's Anthony's hand, well that sure as hell got me to smile.

"You're welcome." Is what he whispered in my ear.

"POSTED!" Renée shouts.

(The face claim for this story will be zendaya :))

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Soccer games! Had an amazing day today
these 2 love birds wouldn't shut up. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Thank you Daveed for buying extra tickets on accident! #Y/S/N (your ship name)

tagged — @YnGoldsberry and @anthony_ramos_nyc @daveeddiggs

liked by Y/nGoldsberry, anthony_ramos_nyc, cjack930, and 1,987,526 others.

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fancy seeing you here! sorry this one too so long i am aware it sucks but deal with it haha hope u enjoyed though!

words — 813

last edited — september 1st , 2021

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now