20.) 41 witnesses | pt. 1

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SLIGHT TW:  small mentions of rape. you have been warned.

(also it'd really help if you saw the episode of 41 witnesses before you read, just because it'll make more sense. It's on Hulu i think.)

The day was Tuesday, January 13, 2016. It was quite cold outside but no sign of any snow coming. The slience in the Brooklyn home of Y/n and Anthony was enough to keep them asleep for hours, until all of a sudden.




"COME ON." Y/n whisper yelled trying not to wake up Anthony, which wouldn't of happened anyway. He was a very heavy sleeper.

Anthony's phone was ringing, Y/n rushed over to his nightstand in only an oversized shirt to pick it up. The contact name read 'Big daddy Lin'. Oh cool I'll just answer it myself she thought.

She clicked the green button then rushed across the loft house into the living area and sat on the couch.

"Anthony mijo! I'm surprised you're awake." He said almost in a shocked tone.

"It's Y/n. Why are you calling him at this ungodly hour though." Her voice was raspy, you could tell she had just woken up.

"You know how I was telling you both about Law & Order and how they invited a few of us to do some cameos on a couple different episodes?"

"Yeah but at the time you didn't tell us who they wanted to appear on the show." Y/n replied suspiciously.

"Correct. Well I just got sent the script and the cast for the new episode coming out in a week or two."

"Really who's in it?" She said expecting it to be a huge opportunity for Anthony to get more recognized. Not like he wasn't already, but people see him as someone he's not, Philip Hamilton and John Laurens, what they don't know is he's a great actor as himself too.

"As you already know Daveed is in it and has been a couple of times in pervious episodes, Anthony is in it, you're in it, Jason Genao-"

"WAIT WHAT?" She shouted not caring about waking Anthony up anymore.

"Yes ma'am, and I need you guys to come to the theater so you can practice you're lines, that is if you agree being in it anyway." Lin claimed.

"What's the episode about anyway?"

"You'll just have to wait!" He sang. "Be at the rodgers at 9:00 am sharp! No excuses." Before Y/n could reply the puertorican hung up and Anthony walked up to Y/n rubbing his eyes.

"Mm." He groaned as he plopped down onto the couch right next to her "What was that all about Goldie?" He reached for the remote.

"We have to be at the theater today."

"I thought Lin called off a few shows this week because of the Law & Order shit." He said furrowing his eyebrows and squinting to see the TV's screen.



"Get ready I'm driving us." She rushed to the closet grabbing clothes off of hangers.

"Uh okay.."


We hopped in the car Anthony took the hint that I didn't want to be asked any questions about why we were going to the theater. Was he confused? I could only imagine how confused he was before we had gotten to the theater.

When we walked in we were greeted by Lin himself and behind him were lo and behold, Mariska Hargitay, Dick Wolf, and Daveed Diggs. I was shaking in my boots since I'd been watching Law and order since I was a little girl. I guess you could say I was fan girling.

We shook Mariska and Dick's hands and they sat Daveed, Anthony, and I down. Lin stood behind them with his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face.

"Alright, so for the 12th episode on season 17 of Law & Order we will be doing a case that could be really sensitive and triggering to most." Dick started with a old deep hinged voice, Mariska nodded agreeingly to his words. "The case will be on rape, we thought long and hard about the opportunities we could give to anyone on the broadway cast of your show by just simple cameos." He trailed off.

"Yes and that is why we have chosen the two of you, minus Daveed since he is not new to the show." Mariska explained while Daveed nodded his head.

"Oh wow." Anthony looked shocked, he now understood why we were both here.

"Could you explain to us the episode?" I asked still a bit confused.

"Of course!"

Just to sum up what they told us, I would be playing a victim. Just like the episodes name, 41 witnesses, there would be 41 witnesses who had witnessed three men, Anthony being one of them "raping" me. Obviously it was acting but it'd all seem real in the end. I didn't have a problem with the case of the episode being because I was used to acting in things like this, even at a young age like in middle school I would be performing in shows that had things like SA in it, so it was nothing new to me really.

I could tell by Anthony's expression while they were explaining to us, that he'd need a whole bunch of convincing.

I tried to put myself in Anthony's shoes and imagine what he could possibly be thinking about this.


A whole bunch of dudes? TOUCHING ON MY GIRL???? HELL NAW. I get that it's acting but regardless I don't want these dirty dog ass dudes nasty ass hand all up on Y/n. I mean come on, I barely know them how am I just supposed to automatically trust that those are their only intentions behind the cams? Sure you could say I'm overreacting but I'm really not. I like being the only person who can put their hands all up on Y/n. Ya dig?

I had a jaded sceptical look on my face. Not by choice. I tried my best to convince myself that this was a great opportunity for not only me but Y/n.

But stillll.


"So what do you guys think?!" Mariska asked excitedly.

It would take a lot of discussions with Anthony to make our decision final, after all this is a very big opportunity for the two of us.

"I'll tell you what," I set my hand on Ant's knee. "We'll need to talk about this but we'll for sure keep the idea on the table."

"Sold! You have until Thursday to make your decision, shooting day is soon." Dick smiles.

"Two days..." I heard Anthony mutter.

Mariska handed me a business card. "Shoot me a call or text when you're both absolutely sure." I simply nodded and with that we left the theater.

"So you hungry?" Anthony asked while stopped in the road full of trafic.

"I guess."


DUDE I WENT A WHOLE WEEK THINKING I PUBLISHED THIS IM ACTUALLY SO MAD, hope u guys like it, next chapter will be super cool.

I'm also thinking of doing a face reveal n shit so lmk if i should or not.

thanks for reading and vote if u love me 😍🥰🥰🥰

words — 1224

last updated — January 19, Wednesday, 2022

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now