23.) please me

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Disclaimer this story will be sorta short being because it was more like a re-run. Enjoy.

March 29, 2016.

Setting — Manhattan, New York. The Richard Rodgers theater.



"So I mean what the fuck am I supposed to do? He had a gun AND a knife."

"A GUN?" Jasmine gasped.

"Lin why don't you fire the dude." Daveed asked.

"The second I see him I will." He shrugged.

All of us were at the theater discussing what happened. We were all sitting in the red velvet chairs.

"Not even gonna lie from what you told me, what Anthony did was badass." Rafa blew out the smoke from his cigarette in his mouth.

Lin was quick to shoe the smoke away. "How many times have I told you that you weren't aloud to smoke in here?"

"Multiple." He put out his cigarette. (idek if he smokes cigs 😭)

"So let me get this straight," Thayne un-slouched and positioned himself up-right properly. "James fuckin' Charles pulled a gun out on you?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"What the hell." He muttered.

"WHAT WAS THAT THAYNE?" Renèe shouted.

He blew a raspberry. "I said what the heck."

"Pay up Jasperson." Renèe held her hand out.

"What so now y'all have a fee to cuss?" Anthony asked sarcastically.

Renèe nodded.

"Okay back to James." Leslie suggested. "He would have killed you?"

"I guess so."

"Hey wheres Oak?" Pippa asked out of no where. A bunch of 'Yeah's' were followed after that.

"Y'all haven't noticed he was gone till just now?" Lin chuckled.

Jasmine slouched and seemed uncomfortable, I rubbed her knee to reassure that this conversation wouldn't last long.

Lin redid his ponytail. "He's out of town."


"Where?" Ephraim asked.

"Pretty sure L.A." Lin said.

"By himself?" Anthony asked.

Lin gave a quick look at Jasmine. "Guys I'm fine what we had is gone, if he's already moving on good for him." She shrugged with an awkward smile across her face.

"I think he went with this lil white girl but I'm not entirely sure." Daveed chimed in.

"Anyways, who's gonna be his understudy?"

"Andrew." Lin said.

"Ah." I sat straight. "So guyysss. I've been writing a new song."

"Again??" Everyone asked almost annoyed because they knew how bad my "writing phase" was.

"Yes but it's made to be a duet and it's already fully written."

"Love duet?" Rafael asked.

"I guess you could say that." I shrugged with a fat smirk on my face. I had never written anything like this. Besides when I was 17 and lost my virginity, but didn't tell anyone. I wrote a dumbass song the day after this rando fucked me in his car.

"You have someone to sing as the other person?" Lin asked.


"What about Anthony?" Jasmine asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah what about me." He smiled
while holding my hand.

"Ant I love you, but you don't seem like the type of guy to sing this type stuff."

"What type stuff." He asked confusingly.


"Sexy song?" Raf asked again.

I pointed at him. "Exactly."

"What. Am I not seductive?"

"Well." We all said together.

"Was what I did to you the other night not seductive enough Y/n?"

"WHATTT?" Groff was just now arriving at the theater, but was 'starstuck' by what he heard. He dropped his bag and immediately ran over to us. Renèe's jaw was also technically on the floor.

"Erm so yeah I think it's time for us go home." I coughed out

"That's what I thought." Anthony said with both of his hands on one of his knees.

"So when can we hear the song?" Eph asked.

"Once I have a partner."

"For the love of god Y/n just pick Anthony." Renèe said.

"Fiiinee." I groaned. "But if this song flops I swear to god Anthony."

"What's the songs name?" Leslie asked.

"Please me..." I mumbled.

"Woaaah." Everyone gasped dramatically. This is what you get when you put multiple theater kids who made it somewhere in life in one room.

"Well I uh on second thought-" Anthony scratched his head

"No backing out now Lover boy." I smiled cheekily.


Yuh yes. This chapter was one that I wrote while I was on the plane. I visited the Richard Rodgers and I almost shedded a tear. 😭 It's so crazy to write about a place you've never been to, Then to finally see it in person.

Lemme stop-

anyway hope y'all enjoyed😜😫

words — 768

last updated — Thursday, March 17, 2022

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now