14.) advice

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As we all know, Anthony and Y/n didn't leave each other on the best terms... it has been days since Anthony has been in contact with the cast. He hasn't shown up to the theater, answered any calls, texted anyone, or posted on social media. Everyone grew quite worried about him.

August 26, 2015, Bushwick Brooklyn New york


I haven't slept in days, that's an exaggeration... I haven't slept in 18 hours. I've been thinking about shit. Like life. Y/n. Oh god, especially Y/n. I been talking to my sister a lot. We always have been close, but sometimes she's a bitch. Right now she's sparing me mercy just cause she knows what it is right now between me and Y/n. My moms invited me over for dinner with the fam so I guess we'll see how it goes. (lets go. I'm so sorry) But before I even get my ass up off this couch I need a nap. I'm exhausted and mentally drained. I grab a blanket from the basket that's on the side of the couch and cover myself.


"Okay, so this is what I get for being a nice guy?"I sigh flopping myself down on my couch. Emmy, Leslie, Nicolette, Lin, and Vanessa were over. (Nicolette is Les' girlfriend. Irl. I forgot to give her an introduction so ahah sorry.)

"I just feel like Anthony's overreacting just a tad," Emmy adds in taking a sip of her coffee.

Leslie nods. "He knows you wouldn't pull any of that dumb shit anyway."

"Yeah, I feel like he should trust the both of you." Nicolette sits on Leslie's lap, coming back from the kitchen.

"Well I mean... We all know Anthony," Lin starts. "It's gonna be a while until he caves in and agrees that Y/n and Daveed were right."

"Very true." I say. The time sits at 5:36 pm.


"Oh, I better take this. It's-" I check my ringing phone and look at the caller, "Anthony?" I mutter confused as hell.

"Anthony??" Everyone asks with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, I'll be back." I step out of the living room onto my back porch. I click the green button. "Hello?"

"Diggs... I fucked up." Anthony states clearly just finished what seemed to be crying?

"Yeah. Ya think?"

"Not the fuckin' time man. I can't believe I made shit worse with Y/n, and I'm sorry I ever thought you'd do such a thing." He sniffs.

"It's Aight. But for right now, what have you been doing? Everyone has been really worried about you." I ask, genuinely worried about my close friend.

"To be honest, just focusing on myself."

"That's good I guess."

"Yeah, right now I'm on the way to my mom's just to get my mind off of things, and hang with the fam."

"Yeah, I got you."

"Well, I guess we'll talk later?"

"Yeah for sure."

"Ight bye."

"Bye." The call ends and I walk back inside, prepared for all of the questions I'm about to be asked.


I should get ready. I'm nervous that my family is gonna think I'm a bad person because I made one simple mistake, and that mistake was losing the love of my life, Y/n Goldsberry. I threw on a coat and a pair of black jeans and headed out the door. I connected my phone to my cars speaker and listened to some Tupac. Once I pulled up to my moms, greeted by my lil sis at the front door waving at me, I walked in fidgeting with my coats zipper.

"Anthony mijo! So glad you could make it son." My mom embraced me tightly, almost squeezing all the air out of my body.

"Yeah mom! I've been looking forward to this day. Whatchu cookin'?" I ask following behind her to the kitchen.

"Just some lechón asado y flan. Ahora siéntate. Dime que paso con Y/n." She glanced over at me while stirring the delicious food. I sit down next to my sister at the bar counter.

"Well, ma. I shoulda trusted her, but I didn't at the time. Still new to this relationship thingy, ya know?"

"Yes hijo, believe me I know. But how do you expect to have a stable relationship with out trust."

Stephanie chimes in. "My words exactly," She flattened down her skirt. "I mean Ant, how do you expect to have her trust you when you can barely trust her." I froze as those words came out of her mouth. I don't know. I truly don't know.

"Oh." I managed.

"Listen," mom started, while wiping little drops of sweat off of her forehead with the back of her palm. "I think talking it out, and letting her know what you intended to do would be the best for now." I nod at her words. My mother is so wise.



"It was a one-time thing only, I swear!!"


"Oh hey, guys!" Lin walked into the theater with his son in one hand, a black iced coffee in the other.

"Sebbyyy!!!!" Leslie and I squeal rushing towards Lin almost knocking him over.

"Well excuse me." He scoffed. "Anyway, where are the others?" He questions.

I point behind me. "In the green room."


Leslie picks up Sebastian. "So, you and Anthony... Tell me about it." Truth be told. I don't even fucking know. This shit is so weird and confusing. Love? What is it at this point?

"If I'm being quite honest... I don't even know." I sighed as I took a seat on the stage.

"Well you know, he actually called Daveed not too long ago-"

"HE DID WHAT???" Shocked, my mouth hung wide open.

"Yeah. He apparently called to apologize." Leslie shrugged as if it were nothing. Yep, no new news.

"And why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I dunno," He rubs his temples "Didn't really think too much about it I guess."

"But when you had heard that that happened, was it a big deal?" I ask crossarmed.

"Well I mean yea-" Before he can say anything else I disappointed obviously, cut him off.

"So why isn't it now?"

"Look I get it... You're upset. But it's barely my business, nevertheless, why should I spread things ya know?"

"Oh my God, Leslie. Go fuck yourself." I smile. Leslie is truly a great person.


GUYS IKIK ITS BEEN SUPER LONG IKIKIKIK. but I have an explanation because u haven't been active too much on tiktok either. life has just kinda been shitty lately. But yeah. New stories coming your way soon!

Words — 1122

Last updated — Wednesday November 17, 2021

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now