2.) auditions

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As the days of our week went by I couldn't help but imagine about what would happen. Would Renée get a part and I wouldn't? Would I get a part and she wouldn't? Or would neither one of us get a part and regret even coming to embarrass ourselves?

Friday, March 6th 2015


"Alright Renée, were here. But can you please promise me one thing before we get inside? If either one of us get a role or not we won't let anything change us or who we are or our bond?"

"Oh Y/n." She chuckled at my question. "I wouldn't ever even imagine of it that way." We linked pinky's.

As we walk in I see a handful of people. Ren and I decide to sit in and empty-ish area to avoid unwanted conversations. About 10 minutes after we had sat down a guy walks in and sits right next to Renee.

"Hello I'm Thayne, Thayne Jasperson." He turns to her 2 seconds after he had sat down

"Oh, Renée Goldsberry." She smiled shaking his hand.

"Renée? That's my sister name." He smiled to himself.

"Really?" Ren looked at him shocked at the coincidence.

"No, I don't have a sister." He laughs. I chuckle at him.

"You're funny." I dap him up.

The door opens and these two gorgeous men walk into the room. One with a crazy good looking afro and the other with his face covered in freckles. They were both great looking men and they were about to sit in front of Renée and I.

"Anyone sitting here?" They ask pointing at the seats in front of us.

"Nah nah, go ahead." I respond. I was acting as if I were looking behind the guy with freckles just so I could catch a good look of his face without seeming creepy. Renée seemed to notice and she elbowed me with a smirk. The freckled face man looked up from his phone turning it off.

"Well just before this gets gradually more awkward by the second, Uhh I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Anthony Ramos." The guys next to him pinched the bridge of his nose,
cringing at Anthony's poor choice of words.

"Ant you can't just say that. Anyway," He sighs "I'm Daveed Diggs, or just Diggs. Whatever you wanna call me is fine I guess." He shrugged,

"Y/n Goldsberry." I say shaking both of their hands.

"Anthony Ramos Martinez?" I hear a woman say looking down at a clipboard. Anthony gave his friend with the afro a look before he stood up.

"That's my que." He smiled to Renèe and I.

"Why are the cutest ones so awkward." I muttered to myself. I hoped to see him again. Maybe we could be friends. Or more?

"Hm that was weird." Daveed says to himself. Out of curiosity I replied.

"What was?"

"Nothing it's just that Anthony is never nice."


in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now