13.) love

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a week later...

August 24, 2015 —

"Hey guys! Just wanted to hop on here announce that my new single, 'Love' , will be released on all platforms tonight/tomorrow at 12:00 am EST. Stay tuned." I fiddled with the camera struggling to turn it off. I post it on my Instagram story and went back to what I was doing before. I'm currently in the studio filming the last bits of my song. I had originally written another song but since Anthony and I have been going through it a little due to commitment, I decided to write a breakup-ish kinda song. Some of the lyrics I put my real raw emotion into, as for the others, I left my creativity get me. Especially because I don't want the fans getting involved... The time is 12:08 pm, I only have 12 more hours to get this shit done. 12 hours may seem like a lot, but in my case... it's not. I haven't even got my picture for the single done. My editor caught a cold and can barely move, meaning I have to make it on my own. God damnit. I had my producer friend from high school help me with the single. If anything I trust him more than anyone at this point. Shawn, the producer, gives me a thumbs up, cueing for me to start singing along with the tune. I sing with every emotion in my heart.

"And I met your girl what a difference, What you see in her... You ain't seen in me. But I guess it was all just make believe, Oh loooove never knew what I was mi-"

"Ah shit. One second Y/n, I swear this is the last time." You see that was the only thing. Shawn's ex-girlfriend had been calling his ass like crazy. Hell I woulda been done if it weren't for her. Ive been in the studio for over an hour and right now, I'm just listening to Shawn and her have a screaming match, the girl winning if I were to guess...

"You know what?! Fuck you. Goodbye Samantha," He hangs up all frustrated and taps his phone, assuming he's blocking her and that were about to start filming again, I put back on my headphones that were just wrapped around my neck. He puts his phone to his ear, Kill me please... 🤦🏽‍♀️

Daveed's POV —

Y/n had told everyone she wouldn't be available today being because of her song, I don't know why I wasn't her first thought for me being her producer, because I produce this kinda shit. But she texted me letting me know she was having trouble with her producer. Lucky for me I knew what studio she was at, I'm gonna try to take over. I check my wristwatch as I'm being held at the red light. Once green I hit the gas. (that was the most stupid shit i've written, not counting my first chapters...) As I'm going the speed limit, I see red and blue flashing lights behind me. They surely can't be pulling me over right? Fucking hell. I inhale and exhale following the steps my father taught me when I was about 16. He taught me all the things I needed to know for being a black man in America. Sad he has to do it in the first place. My ears start ringing, i've been use to getting pulled over, even though i'm awfully good at driving... I rest my hands on the wheel.

Y/n's POV —

Fuuuuck. Where's Dave? He said he'd be here, Im really in need for a producer rn.

"It's not my fault you're in love with me, you obsessive whor-" The door barges open, It's Daveed. About damn time.

"Hey, Shawn, right?," "Yea-" "Cool cool, well... I'm gonna take over. Thanks for..... you being you."  Daveed plays with the buttons on the machine after waving to me. It's a bit hard to hear when someone is outside of the box shaped room, so every sound I hear is a bit muffled.

"Y/n will you be okay? This is kinda convenient too because I have shit to do." Yeah cause I totally didn't plan this. 😬

"Yeah Shawn I'll be fine."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now