27.) spike

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First of all I just wanna thank everyone for reading this story! I'm really grateful for all the support and wtf 11k reads? and #1 in musicals. Wow thank you guys enjoy the chapter. Some changes may have been made to the story just to make it more appealing (and bc I lwk forgot a lot of shit ab this story) so please bare with me. 😁

1 month later.

August 15, 2016

"Y'all ready for another good show?" Chris says walking into my dressing room while Oak applies his mic onto his forehead.

"Yes sir." I laughed. "Oak im stealing one of yo beanies."

"No I need it for the show."

"You have twenty." I rolled my eyes at him grabbing one of his beanies out from his drawer.

"Yo I heard that spike's coming to tonights show." Oak quickly changed his expression.

"Spike as in spike lee?" I shockingly turn to him while he looked at himself in the mirror.


"Yo that's dope, how do you know?"

"He announced it like an hour ago."

"So since them doors opened? Damn." I zoned out.

2hrs and 30mins later–


Pippa did her lil gasp and with that the show had ended. The audience erupted with loud cheering and shouting. We all joined hands and bowed together. I swear I seen spike pointing at me.

"Am I tweakin?" I said under my breath.

Everybody bowed again and Chris chuckled, "He not pointin' at me brother." (why that kinda remind me of druski 😂)

"The fuck." I laughed it off.

The cast had finally walked off stage and with that everybody headed to they dressing rooms.

"You looked good out there tonight baby." I smiled to Y/n while putting my arm around her.

"Thank youuu." She said with a smile. That's what I liked about her she was always easily entertained and wouldn't get bored, no matter how long we've known each other I could still flirt with her like we not together and make her smile. "So I heard spike was eyeing you." She nudged me.

"You heard? Girl we just got off stage, who you heard from."

"Alright don't sas me, but I seen him point." She rolled her eyes at me.

"So why'd you say you heard?"

"Nigga shutup, you know what I meant."

We both separately walked into our dressing rooms. After I finished changing and packing my stuff I headed to Y/n's room because she was still taking makeup off and all that.

"Jas no way that man looked about 60." Y/n laughed as she was putting her jeans on.

"So? He could be my sugar daddy still." Jasmine winked slicking her hair in a bun.

"Y'all females talk about some weird shit." I squinted my eyes at them while putting on the beanie I stole from Oak.

There was a knock at the door. "Yo Ant, Lin wants to talk to you in the green room, he says it's urgent."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now