22.) what, a felony

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I hope y'all got the titles reference.

So all I can say currently is... TEA. Enjoy your read.


March 27th, 2016.

SettingBrooklyn, Fort Greene New York. More specifically, Y/n and Anthony's house.


"How could you be stupid enough to leave something so important at his house, Ant?"

"I'm sorry I was drunk then I had to drive home," Anthony rubbed his temples thinking back on the night of Jonathan's birthday where it was just the guys partying. I was pretty mad the girls didn't get to go but it was whatever I guess.

"But do you wanna go and get it now?"

"Hell no it's the ass crack of dawn Anthony you're going to get it yourself. I'll stay here but I'm going back to bed." I yawned.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and picked up the keys. Anthony had left his phone at Jonathan's house and he was planning on sneaking into Jon's house because Jon is super scared that someone is gonna break into his house like they did with his last apartment.

Anthony had a spare... somehow.

I went back to sleep within a matter of seconds after I heard the door close. I was soon after awaken by the sound of a key dangling and sliding in and out of my front door protectors lock.

"Anthony?" I called out. The dangling stopped... I ran to our bathroom and locked the door, I picked up a razor just in case. I turned on my phones screen and saw that I had a missed call from Anthony as well as a voicemail.

I put the phone next to my ear and lowered the audio to the lowest setting.

"Hey corazón, I just got pulled over for speeding, luckily the officer was super chill about it but right now they filling out some paperwork shit I'll be home soon mami, aight? love you."

I looked at my phone once more, the voicemail was sent 2 minutes ago, he couldn't be home yet.

Soon there was banging and kicking on the door, I was about to call 911 but my phone died the second I tried to turn it on again. Fuck fuck fuck.

I looked at myself in the mirror my chest was rising and falling from my unbalanced breathing. I turned off the lights and sat in the bath tub, hurry Anthony hurry.


"Oh yeah man my daughters a huge fan! Mind if I snag a picture?"

"Yeah of course." I said in a rush.

"Alright now do you have your license and registration?" He slid his phone right back into his pocket.

"Erm about that," I scratched the back of my head. "I got my permit but that's all since I haven't gotten my license yet." I shrugged.

He took out a notebook thingy and started writing. "Where you coming from?"

"Home, on my way to work." I lied, you'll never catch me getting arrested aht aht.

"Alright I'll let it slide just this once but next time," He clicks his tongue. "You'll get a ticket."

"Aight thanks a lot man." He winked back at me, and I drove back home.


The glass protector from the front door soon eventually couldn't handle the kicking and slamming, I heard the door's glass shatter everywhere, there goes 500$ for bullet proof glass... Anthony had to have left the actual front door unlocked because that's when I heard...


They were in our house, whoever they were. Now I'm not a very religious person but when I tell you how quickly I got on my knees and prayed. Footsteps were heard around the loft.

"Fucking christ." I whimpered quietly with tears falling from my eyes.

"Y/nnnn..." The voice dragged out my name. "Where are you? Come out to play, darling."

The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place a finger on who it was. Could it have been someone I knew? I'm assuming the intruder had searched the whole house before coming to the bathroom.

Or maybe it was for dramatic effect, hell if I knew. I was too busy shitting my pants. A knock was heard at the bathroom door.

"I know you're in there dear." The person chuckled. "Now why don't you open this door for me huh?"

I stayed silenced.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself." The tone they used sounded slightly angered, like maniacal.

A few kicks to the door and it was down.

"JAMES???" I shouted with question.

"That's right sister." He smiled mischievously with his tongue in the side of his mouth and a knife in his hand.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Well, Lin told me to come and tell you to head on over to the theater but I feel like this would be a better deed for us all." He sat the kitchen knife down on the counter.

"But haven't I told you to stay away from MY man?" He flared his eyebrows.

"I- what?"

"Enough said, I only have such limited time. Now would you like a slow and painful death or fast and easy but yet still painful death." He pulled up his shirt and revealed a gun tucked in his pants.

"How about neither." Anthony held James in a chokehold from behind.

I sigh of relief fell through my lips.

"Y/n take all this shit to the kitchen imma tie him down."

I nodded while Anthony tied James to a dining room chair. While James' mouth was taped shut Anthony called the police, they said they were on their way and for us not to panic.

I asked Anthony how he knew that we were in danger.

"I saw the ring camera footage." He waved his phone.

"177$ well spent."

Soon the police arrived and took in James he had to be put up for trial but currently he'd have been arrested until they could get everything sorted.

"LET ME GO!! I didn't do ANYTHING!"

"Okay buddy." The officer patted his back while he put James in cuffs.



words — 1058

Last updated — Sunday, March 12, 2022. 12:23am.

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