8.) getting into character

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time skip to a month later —

(sorry for all these time skips.)

Everything was going well! Everyone had all of  the outfits for all 2 acts and we had rehearsed a bit. Not like we were the best at our first rehearsal...

flash back to 2 weeks before (the first rehearsal) —


"AMMERICAA SIIIIINGGGGSS FORR YOUUUUU." Anthony had a voice crack causing us all to laugh.

"CUT CUT, STOP THIS." Lin says cutting off the music.

"Guys get it togetherrr! Opening night is in 4 months we got to get this right."

"Okay." Everyone said. God Lin reminds me so much of my old choir teacher.

"One more time Alex." Alex gave Lin a thumbs up and replayed the track. I guess we did slightly better. After that Lin directed us to do another song.


"But Lin that song isn't what comes next-" Renée starts.

"SHHH. I want schuyler sisters not the Goldsberry sisters."

"Real funny." I chuckle sarcastically.

"From the top ladies!"

Lin ordered everyone to sit in the red velvet seats while Renée, Pippa, Leslie, and I were on stage. Hell we were damned if we even got the choreography right...

"There's nothin rich folks love more then going downtown and slummin' it with the poooor!" Leslie ran to the front of the stage really projecting his voice throughout the theater.

"They pull up in their carriages and gawk at the students in the common just to watch em' talk!" He twirls, I laugh at him from the left lower wing, He shoots a glare at me and continues.

"Take Philip Schuyler the man is loaded! Uh oh, but little does he know that his daughters Peggy, Angelica, Eliza sneak into the city just to watch all the guys-"

"WORK WORK!" People yelled from the audience.

"Angelica!" Nae sang.


"Elizaa." Pippa smiled while dragging me out by my arm

"And Peggy." I pouted. I saw Oak elbow Anthony as I walked out.


Instead of mainly focusing on our dancing we also focused on doing the lyrics of the songs and learned all of it surprisingly quickly. The only song we did struggle the most with was 'non-stop'. After all the song really did fit up to it's title, it really was the longest song on the track, Especially the note Renée, Chris, and Pippa had to hit. Jesus christ they almost busted my ear drums the first time they tried it. We were currently in the studio practicing 'Say no To This' I forgot I had to kiss Lin, but after-all it's only acting. (Wouldn't hurt me though. 🤫😉) 'Say no To This' was always a struggle because we'd practice it in the studio, then we would try it in the theater but it was way too difficult with the turning floor and the environment I guess. I don't know why they didn't just let us practice in the theater. Anywya back to reality, we were done for the day and Lin thanked us all.

"You guys were great! Hopefully we have the whole musical down by the end of this week. Rehearsals are tomorrow 8:00 am at the theater, set your alarms."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now