15.) it never hurts to talk

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Before I start this chapter, I want to thank you guys so so much for 1k reads. I honestly never thought I'd make it this far. And if you're still reading this, please drop your fav chapter so I know more about what y'all like so I can do more of it. Once again, thank you so fucking much!


August 29, 2015, Bushwick Brooklyn New York.

Today was the day. Fuck. Anthony and I had talked about 2 days ago about this. I agreed to let him take me out to lunch so we could talk this whole situation out. Apparently, he was taking me to a café? Don't even know.


"Who the hell is calling me? I literally just woke up." I groan reaching for my phone that was set on my nightstand.

Facetime call coming from...

Jazzy jas 🍒

accept call?


"Augh come on!" I answer the call covering the camera with my thumb. "What is it?"

"Well damn, someone's in a good mood."  She chuckles seeming to be outside walking with her cashmere scarf blowing in the New York wind.

"No seriously, what do you need?"

"Why? Ya busy?" She raises a brow.

"Jasmine, stop fucking around. What do you need?"

"I heard you were going out with Ant today, that true?" She asks.

"He told you?"

"Yep, everyone."

"Well yeah, so what?"

"Try not to fuck." She bursts out laughing with someone next to her. COME ON WHAT THE HELL JASMINE.

"Haha very funny. Who are you with?"

She points the camera at Emmy. Emmy waves at me.

"I know you can't see me, but I'm 100% waving back." I laugh.

"Yeah well, I suggest you get ready."

"Oh shit yeah, I'm supposed to leave in 2 hours, I'll text you later." I reassured.

"Okay see ya." Jas blows a kiss.

"Bye y/n/n!" Emmy waves.

I hung up the phone and quickly propped out of bed. I grab a simple white body-con dress and the rest of the stuff I needed, then quickly ran to my bathroom. Right as I turn on the shower I hear a faint knock at the door.


"Yeah?" I holler over the sound of the water hitting the floor of the shower.

It was obviously Renèe. "Where are you going?" She questions.

I pause for a moment. "....Out."

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now