12.) "why do you write like you're running out of time?"

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Good evening friends. Glad to see your back. As you know, Anthony and Y/n just previously started dating. Well they've been doing great, it's been a week. Lets review what's been going on during that 'week'

7 days ago —

"Y/n! You're not even dressed and the show is starting in 10 minutes! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry Renée. I've been really caught up with writing this album and catching a manager, you know this."

"I get it you're overwhelmed. We'll talk later, but for now... GET DRESSED!"

"Got it!"

6 days ago —

"Hey baby! I came over and brought you some food..." Anthony hollers entering the house of Renèe and Y/n.

"Y/n? Where are you? You home?" Anthony walks around concerned.

"She's in her room." Ren sighs walking downstairs.

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm not sure. I'm honestly kinda worried about her. She's always writing and hasn't eaten in a while."

"Glad I brought food then." Anthony shakes the bag with a pout.

"Yeah, you should go check on her. I'm sick of having to."

"On it." Anthony rushes up the stairs to Y/n's room.

"Y/nnn." He says in a sing-song tone.

"Mm?" She replies without removing her eyes from her computer still typing.

"When have you left this room?"

"Like just a second ago. Why?" She finally removes her eyes off of the computer to look at her concerned boyfriend.

"Hmm," He walks toward her "I don't know I also don't know if that sounds quite right. Renée told me a different story." He finishes.

"Did she now?" She raised her eyebrows while looking at her computer.

"Look everyone's concerned about you and your writing, could you please give it a break?"

"Gimmie a sec."

"Pleasssseee." Anthony pouts.

"You're too annoying. Anyway," She gets up to sit on her bed crisscrossed "What'd you bring me?" She smiles poking at the bag.

"I brought you food."

"Well duh. What kind?"


"Marry me."

5 days ago —

"Hey Renée. Wait... Where's Y/n?" Lin asks as Renèe enters the theater alone.

"She decided to stay home."

"You're joking," He pauses. "This girl is probably sleep deprived, please tell me she hasn't been writing."

"I cant tell lies."Renèe shrugs.

4 days ago —




"UGH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME? IM BUSY!" Y/n yells into the phone.

"Wow, rude. Anyway where are you?"

"Home, why Daveed?"

"Everyones worried about you. We invited you to come to Lins tonight, why aren't you here?"

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now