25.) fireworks

305 12 7

OMG YALL I MISSED U SM. ik last chapter took like a fuckin year to write but i put it off because it was lwky lame and i was too far to back out. ANYWAYY IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN this chapter was super last minute too. hope u enjoy though cuties 😘

July 4th, 2016.

(contact names may have changed)

Ham talk

Jas 💕 - Hey ppl since ik yall lowlifes aint got nothing to do today ur invited to come pop some fireworks and come swimming at my house ig 😒

Diggs - what a lovely introduction jasmine jones...

Jas 💕 - No bc ykw i've about had it with you diggs

do yall ever stfu 😭 - Me

Pippasoup - You guys should smooch

good lord - Me

Naenae - Rise n Shine my children 🤱🏾

Leslie - To be honest, I'm surprised Renee knows how to work her phone.

Naenae - Leslie don't make me beat the sense into you.

Ant 🐜  - they're so old i cant 💀

Leslie - Anthony Ramos Martinez I'll shave you bald.

So yeah jazz ur house sounds great 😁 - Me

Jas 💕 - cool come around at 4:30

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So your probably wondering 2 of 30,000 things right now. 1 being 'what happened with Bruno Mars?' and 2 'what the crap was that' 3 'wheres James at?'

Well... Bruno and I are super chill now and we published the song. Yep. That's it... BUT. I myself and Hamilton have gained so much recognition because of it so, it's pretty amazing. Life is going good. I unfortunately can't answer your second question because I myself am confused as well. But James? He ended up getting locked up for 30 years.

Crazy right. Also I have a concert on the 13th with Bruno. I'm nervous but I can't say thats it's my first concert. Excited as shit though, maybe people will finally know my name now.

"Earth to Y/n."

"Hm?" I came back to reality, god I gotta stop talking to myself.

"Hm?" Anthony mocked me "You been out trippin' for the last 10 minutes."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"You aight?"

I nodded my head at him. "So are you cool with going to Jasmines or do you have other plans?"

"I wasn't planning on doing anything today." He chuckled a bit. "Fuck America am I right?"

"Anyway, how does Jasmine have a pool. In New York of all places?"

"I'm pretty sure she lives in Jersey?"

"You're joking right? So why hasn't she moved here because of her job?"

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now