19.) happy birthday

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Wow okay, I can't believe you're still reading this tbh. Anyways Y/n. Oh Y/n Y/n. It was officially Christmas day most would say, or as Y/n would, her birthday. It was pretty early in the morning but everyone was awake. Y/n sat on a bar-stool with her elbows on the table, head resting in both hands. She thought that she was missing something but then again thought she could've also been paranoid about some thing dumb. She put it off to the side to the best of her abilities but as much as she tried, her mind couldn't stop wandering places.

"Okay I seriously feel like I'm missing something." She sighed opening up her phone checking her calendar app. Anthony notices this and quickly pulls her phone away from her and slides it into his pocket.

"Don't stress it." He waves off.

"Well I mean it's Christmas day mija. Could that be it?" Mildred chimed in while struggling to stir the big batter of pancake ingredients.

"No, it's definitely something else, and I'm sure of it."

"Try to not think about it, the more you do the more it'll slip away." Valentina suggested while filling her nails on the couch.

"You better be doing that over something unless you wanna sweep the floor." Mario teased the girl.

"Shut up Rio." She rolled her eyes at the man child.

"It'll be okay. Aight?" Anthony held Y/n's hands in his while giving her a face of reassurance. Y/n nodded while still being anxious, what if it were something important she thought to herself. 'If it were that important, I'd remember' she finished off her over thinking.

"So how's that history play going for ya'll?" Mario nagged, being because he went ballistic ever since his younger brother told him about his career path. He knew his brother had talent but he didn't think it'd be something he'd like to do for his career. He thought broadway and singing was too 'girly'. He tried getting him into rap, but Anthony didn't feel the same spark he did when he sung.

"Pretty well actually." Y/n replied sassed sensing the attitude Mario was throwing at the two.

"Yeah we made new friends, and obviously met eachother. We also make pretty nice money." Anthony shrugged.

"Aw I'm so proud of my little brother." Mario squeezed his younger brothers face playfully.

"Well I'm glad." Anthony muttered.

"Hijo could you help me open this?" Mildred asks.

"Yeah sure ma." Anthony says reaching for the jar.

"Oh I was talking to your brother." She says quietly while handing the jar to Mario. That has got to hurt.

"So when do you think we'll be home by?" Y/n asks.

"Probably later on today. Why what's the rush?" Anthony questions.

"No rush, I just would like to lay in my bed."

"Y/n you know you could've told me if the bed was uncomfortable," Anthony started. "We coulda broken it in." He whispered in her ear with a wink. She slapped his arm rolling his eyes.


As much as I tired, I really could not focus on anything else. Wait. Hold up. I'm pretty sure it was my birthday. Holy shit how the fuck could I forget the anniversary of my birth? I don't wanna be rude so I think I'm not just gonna say anything. It's Christmas day how could I make myself the main focus.

That's just selfish right?

"Y/n could you help me set the table?"

"Yeah of course!" I almost immediately jumped out of my seat and was quick to grab some plates out of a cupboard.

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now