6.) the ugly truth

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Time skip - 2 months later.

Y/n's POV:

It's been a month of the cast hanging out. Rehearsal times haven't been announced yet.. We had all gotten very close maybe a lil too much? I had been giving advice to Daveed for Emmy, we are like best friends inseparable. Though he is with Emmy we do have to limits the play around flirting because I understand what it would feel like to have your man messing with another girl.. In fact I know exactly what it's like.....

~~ Flash back ~~

"We're just friends babe. I promise. I assure you it's something you shouldn't be worrying about."

"Okay... I trust you."

"Good." he says planting a soft peck on my lips.

"I'm off to work, I'll see you at around 9:00 Pm."

"Why so late?"

"Im covering a friends night shift."

"Alright byeeee." I say giving him a bone crushing hug.

It seemed like he ignored me and walked right out. Little did I know that was the last time I'd ever see my ex - boyfriend Ryan again.. I was a bit iffy about this whole "night shift" and "nothing to worry about" situation. So what did I do? I went to spy on him. I waited about 5 minutes after I was sure he was gone, and got into my car. I carefully yet quickly backed my car out of my parking lot, and followed his location occasionally looking at my phone to see where he was heading. That stupid fucker forgot to turn off his location.. At this point I was 3 cars behind Ryan and subtly following his car. I had dressed up in disguise before I left my house, wearing a black L.A hat, black hoodie, black sweatpants, and black sunglasses. God i'm such a stalker. I should trust my boyfriend shouldn't I? I debated on whether or not I should back out or not. 'It's too late anyway, I'm here following him anyway..' I thought to myself. I see him exit the freeway and drive into a parking lot, I knew exactly where he was going so I took a turn right so he wouldn't see me right behind him on his ass. I parked in front of someones house and waited for his location bubble to move inside of the restaurant. After about 10 minutes of it being inside I start to drive back towards that way, I park my car and head inside of the restaurant, I explained to the lady at the front my situation and she completely took it well and got me a table in a booth his left. After a couple of minutes the same hostess came up to me and asked if I needed a drink so i'd look less suspicious or if I was just thirsty. I told her yes and ordered a water, not long after I saw a chic walk in and she talked to my same hostess. The hostess led her to the table with Ryan and right after looked at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry' In response I shake my head in a way telling her it was alright. After a while of watching them through my glasses and sipping my drink I soon saw him take her hands in his. I whipped out my phone and took pictures and videos knowing if I didn't, he'd just deny everything. I was planning on printing these pictures and putting them everywhere he would go. My phone was still out taking pictures, then I saw him kiss the girl, I shed a tear, and quickly wiped it off my face. I exit the restaurant angrily and drove to the nearest CVS. I went to the printing machine, sat on the stool in front of it and printed my pictures angrily almost breaking the screen every time I set a finger on it. The pictures soon printed, I grabbed them, and exited the CVS not even paying. (oo shes a bad girl 😏) I drive to his mom's house knowing that thats where he'd be living the rest of his life after I dump him. I slide one picture under the door after writing 'Your son is a complete douchebag - xoxo Y/n' then glue the other one to the front door.
I go back home and tape the pictures to the door and leave a paper note on the door saying..

'You are such a lying scumbag, I wish the best for you and your hoe. I can't believe I really did put up with your BS for so long just for you to repay me like this? Don't EVEN bother apologizing.. You're 'boy toy' tricks are NOT going to work on me. Have fun living the rest of your life not only a cheater but a complete nobody living under his mothers house.. Fuck you I'm gonna peruse my singing dreams. I've burnt all of your shit by the time you read this.. You're getting kicked out bye.

— The girl you said you'd marry, Y/n Goldsberry.'

After I wrote the letter I completely broke down. I slowly called my sister, Renée.

"Y/n hey! What's up?"

"Nae.. He cheated." I choke back a couple of sobs.

"No... Fuck him I'm on my way."

Looking back on it now I realized Renée really always was there for me when I needed her, she's truly the best person who ever came into my life.

~~ End of flashback ~~

Looking back onto this story caused me to break down emotionally. It still hurt me, to this day. It doesn't matter whether it was 3 years ago or not..I hear a knock at my door and quickly wipe my tears dry knowing that my face will still be puffy, and my eyes will still be red.

"Hey Y/n we're going out with Anthony and Leslie to hang if you wann- Sis what's the matter?" she softly asks.

"I.. I just thought about.. him." I hadn't been able to say his name since the incident..

"Let me tell you something sister. That bastard lost the most amazing woman I have ever met in my entire life. And honey I've been on broadway I've met lots of people before." She winks, this causes me to chuckle a bit

"Look at that beautiful smile, and speaking of broadway, I'm sure Hamilton will go broadway as soon as we get better known and get to perform for the first time!! You would've never been able to do this if you were still with that asshole."

"I love you too much Renée." I sigh embracing her tightly.

"So what were you saying about Anthony and Les?"

"Well your boyfriend and Leslie wanted to hang out here but I said no, so were just gonna like go to the mall with them or something. Is that alright with you ?"She asks playfully poking my stomach.

"He's not my boyfriend, but sure."

"You want him to beeeee." She sings.

"Whatever get out. I'm gonna shower."

"Hurry we leave in and hour."


I yell after she exits the room. I pick up some clothes from my closet (I'll leave it up to u to decide what to wear) and open the door to my master bedrooms bathroom. I turn on the shower and enter.

—— Time skip (brought to you by our favorite fighting frenchman) ——

We eventually met up with Les and Ant.

"Hey ya'll!!" Anthony hugs the both of us, when he hugs me, Renée and Leslie laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You guys ooze chemistry."

"Never use that word again."Anthony gags looking disgusted.

"Whatever lets go spend our money and become broke!"Renée cheers.

"I'm down!" I holler.


I know this one was boring but it was just some side jnfo lolol

last updated - august 7th 2021

words - 1305

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now