17.) halloween

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Brooklyn, October 31st, 2015, Saturday.

location — Anthony's casa.

It was the afternoon of halloween and the cast was wondering on whether they should go trick or treating like children, or all stay in together. Y/n kinda wanted to be alone with Anthony but also felt a bit self-centered by just the idea of that, though having Anthony all to herself also seemed appealing.

"So what're we doing?" Anthony sits right across from Y/n on the grey sofa.

"I don't know." Y/n groaned.

"Hey look at me. Whatever you wanna do, I'm down." He said, reassuring every sentence that had came out of her mouth.

"Yeah but I feel like all of us would be a lot to handle, especially if someone gets drunk. Like Jas." She chuckled at the last part of her sentence making fun of the last time Jasmine had gotten drunk.

"Well just let me know soon. We only have so much time."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your accent?"

"I don't have an accent." He rolls his eyes. 'We've established this."

"You little New Yorker." She threw a velvet pillow at him.

"Yeah?" He picked up the pillow as if he were about to throw it hard, Y/n takes off running and they chase each other around the whole complex until left all tired on the sofa.

"You done?"

"Yeah." He sighs in defeat. "SIKE!" He hit her with the pillow.

"Alright. ALRIGHT. Jesus. So halloween?""

"Right. If you want it just to be you and me all down butterfly."

"Alright I guess."

"We should go to the theater to get our costumes."

"You're absolutely right." Y/n and Anthony were going as Peggy and John.  I'm pretty sure that the whole cast was going to be dressed up as one of their 2 characters, thats is if they even played two characters.


Ant and I decided to walk to the subway and take it to the theater. We were casually walking across the New York streets and Anthony was bragging to me about how he was dating this beautiful girl.

"And her name is Y/n." He smirks at me.

"You're too much." I chuckle at him. "OH SHIT." I pause.

"What is it?" He pulls me out of the middle of the sidewalk so I didn't get pushed.

"We forgot to buy candy."

"No worries. Lin has buckets on buckets of candy at the theater. They're all there now, I already told Daveed to unlock the door for us."

"Okay." I sigh in relief tucking a piece of my curly hair behind my ear.

"Let's keep walkin'." I nod at him.

I hold Anthony's hand and we walk to the station.

Once at the theater —

Anthony pulled open the door and we walked in. My dressing room was kinda right in front of the staircase but was on the lower floor, so was Ant's being because his was in the same hall as mines. Hearing voices, which we'd soon realize were Jas, Oak, Leslie, Daveed, and Lin just talking in the green room. I unlock my dressing room's door with the key that hung on my lanyard, Anthony was getting his costume in his dressing room. I looked at my desk and saw a note. I unraveled it and it read...

in denial (Anthony Ramos X Y/n Goldsberry)Where stories live. Discover now