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In the middle of the night, I am awakened by what I first think is a puppy crying, but it turns out to be Tom, tossing and turning beside me on the big bed. We have checked into a luxury resort, to better relax and have more space, while writing for Zac's recovery.

Only Enrique is staying at the yacht. Chris offered to stay too, but he deserves to be pampered, and I like to have him close.. for safety .

"Tom ! Tom wake up, it's just a dream". I try gently shaking him. The sweat forming on his forehead tells me it is a bad dream.

He starts flailing slightly, like he is fighting the blanket wrapped around him. Tears mixing with the sweat on his face. "No, please don't.. don't touch me". The words are a panicked whisper.

"Tom ! Baby, wake up". I shake him a little harder, unable to stomach the pain and fear in his voice.

Suddenly he sits up, his hand flying out in front of him to shield himself. "Don't touch me". He halfway screams, his hand hitting my cheek with a blinding pain.

I know it was an accident, he didn't mean to hit me. I'm not even sure he realised that he hit anyone or that I was there. But I can't keep the gasp of pain in. And he suddenly blinks, his eyes clearing up. "Aurora, princess.. where am I ? What happened ?"

"You had a really bad dream Tom. You were whimpering and trashing, so I tried to  wake you up". My hand is cradling my burning cheek, as I try to swallow down the pain.

"It was a bad one.. darling what is wrong ?" He reaches out to remove my hand, and gasp, when he sees the red mark on my cheek. "Oh God, did someone hit you baby ?" Then realisation hits him. "I hit you !"

I quickly crawl up beside him, wanting to take him into my arms, but he shys away. "Tom it was an accident, Your hand hit me by accident. It's okay nothing happened and I know you didn't mean to.. forget it.. the important thing is how you feel".

"You better stay away. I am not worth your time. I am a pathetic mess and now I hurt you too". His voice sounds like it could shatter at every moment.

I gently but firmly removes his hand when he tries to push me away, pulling him into me. "Stop fighting me Tom.. you and me belong together, always have always will, no matter what.. we are two peas in a pod.. two halves of a whole".

He kind of collapses into me, sobbing against my shoulder. And I gently rock him, telling him that it will be okay. Making a note to myself that I need to find someone professional he can talk things through with, while we are waiting for Zac to recover.

"It's going to be okay Tom". I mumble softly. "We will get through this... Together".

It takes almost an hour before he is calm enough to go back to sleep, and I lay for a while watching him. The bruises on his face have started to fade, but they are still a visible reminder of what happened.

I know he will get out on the other side, stronger and wiser, that is just how my Tom is.

I lean in to kiss his forehead softly. "I love you". And then I snuggle down beside him, drifting off to sleep.

I wake up, the light tells me it is early morning. My chest and shoulder hurts a bit, but not enough for me to call the nurse, I prefer staying here snuggled up and relatively clear headed.

There is a small sound and I realise that Luna is rolled up in an armchair next to my bed. She looks so sweet like that and I can't help but smile and reach to take her hand.

"Zac ?" Her eyes instantly flutter open, and her voice is worried. "Are you okay ? Do you need me to call a nurse ?"

"I am fine darling.. but what are you doing here ? Why are you not in your luxurious bed at the resort ?" I rub my thumb over the smooth skin on her hand.

She makes a slightly annoyed face.. Like she hates to admit it. "I couldn't sleep, so.. I had the resort driver take me here, and I snug in".

"You are one crazy chick". I chuckle, trying to hide the pain from her. "But that is part of what I love about you".

"Zac !" She blinks and looks like inner turmoil is ripping her apart.

I look at her, she might think it was a slip of my tongue, but I am very much aware of what I said. "Yes Luna my love".

"That word.. you said it again". She is still blinking, like she is trying to wake herself.

"Love ? Don't look so scared". I chuckle. "It is a marvelous word to describe a marvelous feeling.. I love you Luna.. to the moon and back".

She breathes in slowly, and she is clearly thinking, feeling how that statement feels. "Yeah.. we have a problem here".

"Oh ! And that is". I ask softly.

"I think I might love you too". She bites her lip. "Yes.. I do love you too".

I try to contain the joy, but I know I am smiling big time. "And that is a problem why ?"

"What are we gonna do about that ?" She asks.

I lift her hand to my lips, kissing it. "I suggest a wedding, babies, a sensible car and a dog".

She looks like she is unsure if she should hit me or if she should run away, so I quickly add. "Not right now of course.. Maybe we can start with dating, for real".

"So being exclusive.. monogami..". She mumbles.

"At it's finest". I say. "So.. darling Luna, do you want to be my one and only.. girlfriend ?"

A smile emerges on her lips. "I like that.. a lot.. but I am not giving up my work".

"I would never ask you to darling". I tell her truthfully. "I only ask you to spend time with me when possible.. and I swear to do the same".

"We can do this right ?" She says looking at me. "We can make it work".

I motion for her to lower her head, and plant a kiss on her mouth. "I know we can".

"Then I am all yours.. your one and only .. girlfriend". She kisses me, and I tense up and I twist too much in the upper body. She looks at me. "And now I will call for a nurse, because you need more painkillers".

I am about to object, but she gives me a warning look. "Okay.. you are right".

"I know I am". She smiles and pulls the cord for the nurse. "I always am, get used to it".

"Another reason why I love you".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now