Skinny dipping with Tom and a monument to true lov

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Same morning
It is ten in the morning when I grab my keys and she follows me to the car. I rented the car yesterday at the airport and it is beautiful, a silver BMW Z4 and it really does the job. We hop in, I hit the button and the top retracts, soon it is in the boot. I fire up the engine and we head out. Luxury like this is not something I often splurge on.. but once in a while you got to enjoy life.

It is a beautiful day, the sun is the single piercing object in the sky, and it is completely cloudless. It seems rather common Miami weather.

"So what are we doing today ?" She asks me.

"You'll see". I simply say.. wanting to surprise her.

I'm cruising down a Miami highway, wind in my hair and a beautiful woman beside me. The love of my life, my wife Aurora, my princess. The throaty sound of the BMW six cylinder engine roars down the road and the wind and sky view is amazing. I'm heading to the marina. I know we are starting a long boat trip tomorrow. But I kind of want to enjoy it a bit alone with her before we have guests boarding.

Soon we reach the docks. I drive up to the parking lot. I stop the car, close the roof and go to offer her my hand.. Then we start walking.

"Are we going to the yacht ?" She asks me.

"Yes, I kind of want to enjoy it a bit with you alone." I reply. Soon we reach the boat; it is a thirty five foot yacht and it's Aurora's.. she is the one with the money.. not that I am poor, but.. compared to her I might as well be.

"Hi Chris". I say, greeting her regular Captain as he meets us on the pier. "Anywhere interesting we can go". Chris is a bit of an explorer so he knows the seas from Miami down to the coast of Brazil like the back of his hand.

"Sure, there is a small reef just offshore, just stay to the left of the bridge, second Island and then 10 minutes out". Chris replies, before leaving us alone.

She looks a bit confused. "Tom, my dearest husband.. who is sailing the yacht ?"

"Uhmm that would be me darling". I tell her with a grin, taking her hand as she steps aboard. "I told you, I want you to myself".

"You can sail a yacht ?" She says doubtfully.

I just wave for the men working the pier to throw the mooring, while I go to stand at the helm, firing up the engine. "Have faith in me my dear wife, of course I can".

"Of course you can". She says, shaking her head with a small giggle. "I forgot, you are the magnificent Tom Hiddleston, you can do everything".

We set off, and as the boat moves along the pristine Miami water the shimmer of the early morning sunshine sheds a glow upon Aurora's gorgeous body. She has been inside, changing and is wearing a beautiful two piece white bikini with white rimmed sunglasses and a wide-brim hat. Currently she is relaxing on the chaise lounge.

Around her ankle is a shimmering white gold bracelet, a gift from me and her neck is adorned with a long natur pearl string necklace. We leave the harbour soon and enter the Caribbean Sea. The cloudless blue sky and shimmering blue water come together for a scene not to be forgotten, much like what I plan to do a little later.

"Wow, this is something else, isn't it Tom". She says, smiling softly, as she looks to the horizon.

"It sure is darling, it is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you". I tell her.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now