Stepping up and big fears

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  Luna is choking down a sob. Her voice quivering. "So what you are saying is that there is no hope for Tom.. he is basically dead and if we don't leave now Zac will be too ?"

Chris nods. "I don't like it.. but yes".

I can't accept this.. it's just not fair and I slap my hand down on the table, making Luna jump in surprise. "No.. fuck that, I am not running and leaving Tom to a certain dead. Not on my watch".

"There might be one possibility". Chris looks at me like he is considering if he should continue. "But it will be dangerous and hard, and you need to be ready to do things you never thought you had to". Chris is still looking at me.

I nod, grabbing Luna's hand. "Anything, just tell me what I have to do".

"Okay, let me just make some calls, see what I can find out.. if it is even possible". He gets up and walks outside.

Luna is looking at me and I can't help asking. "What ? Are you going to try and stop me ?"

"No.. that wouldn't work.. you would never let down someone you care about". She says softly, but there is fear in her eyes and I pull her into my arms, just hugging her.

3 hours later
I walk into the bedroom where Zac has been getting ready. Stopping when I see him. Admittedly I can't help thinking how damn hot he looks. Like a hero from an action movie. He is wearing army green cargo pants and a gray mottled very tight long sleeved sports t-shirt. Over it he is wearing one of those old fashioned leather shoulder holsters with a gun in. He has another gun strapped to his thigh.

He turns and sends me a nervous smile. "Well at least I look the part of someone who knows what he is doing.. right ?"

"Oh you definitely look the part". I say walking over to him, placing a hand on his chest. "Actually you look ridiculously sexy like that. I know I shouldn't even be thinking that right now, but damn".

He chuckles. "Just you wait till I get the rest on". He grabs a camouflage jacket and sling a semi automatic rifle over his shoulder. "Ready to go off to war..". His voice suddenly becomes serious. "There is a real chance I won't return, Luna.. I..".

"Zac, don't say that.. don't make it sound like a goodbuy". I put a finger on his lips. "Come back to me, get through tonight and then tell me, okay ?"

He grabs me, pulling me into him and kissing me with all the passion and fear of someone who fears he might not live to see tomorrow. "I promise to do anything in my power to do that".

"And bring that outfit too, I can think of a lot of fun games we can play with you wearing that". I tell him, trying to lighten the mood, as we walk out from the room.

Chris is waiting, wearing a similar outfit. "So the yacht is unlocked. Enrique is getting you out of here as soon as we get on board. He has the coordinates where we'll meet up with you in the speed boat".

"Thank God you got the lock removed. Thanks again Chris". I smile at him. Without him we would have been at a total loss here.

"Actually it was your lover-boy there who got it off, something about it looking like something he once defused on a tv show". Chris says grinning.

Zac just shrugs with a sheepish smile, and I fold my hands around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. "My hero".

"Yeah come on lover-boy we better get going.. this will be a long night". Chris says.

I walk with them, desperately holding onto Zac's hand, kissing him one last time before he gets off the yacht, whispering against his lips. "Come back to me Zac, I'll never forgive you if you don't".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now