Back together

27 4 1

5 weeks later
I have a hard time sitting still in the taxi, looking out on the Texan landscape that slides by outside.

"So first time in Texas ?" The driver asks.

"No, I have been before, just not in this part of the state.. it's lovely here". I say, smiling at him.

My phone vibrates and I pick it up. It's a message from Zac. 'Didn't want to call as you said you had meetings all day, I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you in two days.. love you'.

"Boyfriend ?" The driver asks, he must have noticed my smile.

"Yeah.. I am surprising him". I say and quickly answer Zac. 'Short break, I miss you and love you too.. Two days are way too long'.

The driver looks at me. "Oh he doesn't know you are coming ?"

"He is expecting me in two days, I had some meetings cancelled so.. coming early". I hope he will be happy.

"We have to hope he is ready for a surprise huh ?" The driver laughs.

I let out one of those sounds you do when things are not funny, but you are trying to be nice. "Well elseway his balls would get a surprise.. but he isn't like that".

"He has a beautiful girlfriend who came to surprise him.. he would be a fool to be fooling around". He smiles at me, and I know he is just trying to be friendly.

"Thanks...". I focus to look out the window, hoping it doesn't make me seem rude.

I ask the driver to stop far enough down the drive that Zac won't hear the car, I want it to be a real surprise. So I pay and pick up my bag, feeling butterflies erupt as I walk towards his house.

I like the house, a lot to be honest.. It is much more modest than my sisters homes, but those are her taste, not mine. This is a place I could easily see myself live.

Walking up to the house I slowly open the door and slip inside, my heart beating up a frenzy, in a moment I will see him again, in a moment I will be in his arms.

"No Zac". I hear a female giggle from the next room. "It's too big, it won't fit".

Zac's voice, sounding .. out of breath. "Come on, lets try, move a little to the left, so I can get the right angle".

My heart half stops, and despite myself my mind goes to the taxi driver's words about being ready for a surprise.. no.. Zac wouldn't.

"No, stop". The woman's voice. "It won't fit.. you will choke me if you try".

Okay, forget sneaking in, I slam the door the rest of the way open, stepping in.

"No, stop.. it won't fit.. you will choke me if you try". Roxanne complains as I try moving the couch where I want it.

"Whoops sorry". I stop pushing, not wanting to squeeze her between the couch and the wall.

The door slams open with a high smack, making me turn to see a furie standing there, breathing hard, her hair in disarray. "What.. is ..Happening ?"

"Luna ?" I blink, wondering if I am missing her so badly I am seeing things, no if it was my imagination she would look much more, happy and put together and it would involve sexy lingerie. "Uhm we were trying to see if the couch would fit over here.. what are you doing here ?"

"My meetings was cancelled, I decided to surprise you". She is staring at me.

I nod to Roxanne, and we put the couch down. "You certainly surprised me".

"You were moving the couch ?" She looks rather sheepish.

"Yes.. this is Roxanne, my realtor and the girlfriend of a good friend". I tell her and Roxanne sends Luna a now and a smile. I hold out my arms. "Are you gonna come hug me ?"

She drops her bag and halfway jumps into my arms, hugging herself into me. "I am so sorry Zac.. I wanted to surprise you, and then I heard.. I am sorry".

Out of the corner of my eye I see Roxanne sneak out, leaving us alone.

"It's okay darling, I can imagine how it must have sounded". I kiss her softly. To be honest, part of me loves that she reacted like that, and also that she instantly realised her mistake.

When I gently put her down, she looks around. "So this is where you live ?"

"Yeah.. I know it's.. more simple than you are used to..". I am not sure why I feel I need to defend my home.

"Zac !" She says softly. "I love this place, it has a calm to it, and it's very you".

I smile. "Well it won't be much longer".

"Won't be". She looks confused. "Zac.. What have you done.. the realtor ! Are you thinking of selling ?"

"Buyers are coming in an hour.. that is why we were trying to move the couch, to see if it would look better over there". I tell her softly.

She shakes her head. "But Zac you love this place".

"I do". I take her hands, lifting them to my lips. "But I love you more, and I can't stand to be apart for you any longer".

"Oh I really hope you haven't signed anything". She looks at me almost desperately. "Tell me it can be changed".

I get a lump in my throat. "Uhm it can, I haven't signed the papers.. but why ? You don't want me to come to Italy".

"No". She shakes her head. "That wouldn't work".

"Oh.. I just thought..". I swallow. "Why ?"

She smiles brightly. "Well I want you here with me, in Texas.. and if you sell the house where am I to live ? My things have already been shipped, not that I have much I wanted to bring".

"Wait.. what ?" I shake my head.

"I decided I can't be without you, so I am moving here..". She holds up her hand, stopping me, when I want to grab her. "I will do video meetings, and there will still be travelling and sometimes I need to invite people here.. but I have told Aurora I am cutting back.. it also means I have much less money..".

I grab her, twirling her around, before kissing her over and over. "Whatever, as long as you are here.. I love you, I love you so much".

"I love you too Zac". She says. "And thank you for being willing to give up your dream for me.. but I don't want you to".

"I would give up anything.. but I am happy I don't have to". I tell her, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now