Dire accusations

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I wake up finding out right away that Zac has in fact returned, because he is snoring loudly, beside me, smelling of alcohol and cigars.. and something else I can't pinpointe, something metallic . I shake my head, wondering when those two came back.

I am about to go back to sleep, still being tired.. But something catches my attention.. There are people talking loudly outside on the pier and blue flashing lights. Getting out of bed I look out the window, seeing two police cars have stopped in front of the boat and Chris is talking to the officers.

  "Zac ! Zac, wake up". I push him hard and he grunts. "Zac, do you have any idea why the cops are here ?"

He sits up, looking around, his eyes blinking. "Fuck ! Are you sure ?" And first now I realise that his cheekbone is discoloured, he has dried blood under his nose and his lip is split... that is what I smelled.. blood.

"Yeah they are right outside, talking to Chris". I look at him, getting a very bad feeling. "What is happening Zac, what happened last night ?"

Jumping out of bed, he grabs his shirt off the floor, pulling it on. It is splattered in blood. "I don't have time to explain.. Please trust me, whatever they say it's not true. Just tell them you haven't seen me okay ? You don't know where I am".

I nod, I mean it is Zac .. No matter how this looks, I trust him. He leans down kissing me and then he is gone, making me wonder what his plan is, but happy I can truly say that I have no idea where he is.

Pulling on my clothes I walk out of the room, seeing Aurora come out of the other room. She has clearly been crying a lot since we came back last evening, because her eyes are swollen and her skin is flushed.

I spot Tom, he is rolled up on the couch sleeping and he looks even worse off than Zac. Sporting a big black eye and what could be a broken nose.

"Where is Zac ? What happened ?" Aurora is staring at Tom and I see nothing but concern in her eyes.

But before I can answer Chris comes in, followed by the police. "Sorry girls, but these gentlemen are looking for Tom and Zac".

"Zac isn't here.. he never came home". I quickly say. I can't really hide Tom, no matter how much I wish I could. "What happened Chris, why are they looking for them ?"

Chris shakes his head, he is usually a strong, but positive man, I have never seen him look like this before. "Sorry girls, but this is not good.- as in not good at all. Your men have gotten themself into a shitload of trouble".

Two officers walk over to the couch, harsly pulling Tom onto his feet. It jolts Tom from his sleep and he swings his arm, like in panic. "Let me go".

One of the cops hits him on the nose, and I am not sure who's scream is the worst.. Tom's or Aurora's.

"Do not fight us". The cop say and they grab Tom again, drops of blood rolling from his nose to his lip and then going drip, drip, drip, down on his shirt.

Aurora is trying to get to him, but Chris is gently holding her back.

The one looking to be in charge steps in front of a confused looking Tom. "Mr Hiddleston, you are under arrest. Where is Mr Levi Pugh ?"

"What ? No.. why ?" Tom is blinking rapidly, looking like he is not even completely sober yet. "We haven't done anything wrong.. we didn't..it was us..".

"Oh you know what you did to that girl". The officer spits at Tom. "Now tell me where Your friend is".

Tom is shaking his head and it looks like it hurts. "What girl ? I haven't done anything to any girl. No, you made a mistake here".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now