Scary hidden talents

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"What should I have you do first ?" Miguel muses, as soon as he has closed the door to his bedroom behind us.

He stopped on the way to give instructions to one of his men, and I am not really sure if I am happy about it, or annoyed because I kinda just want this over with.

I just look down, shaking my head, feeling bile rise in my throat.

"Hmm not much to say suddenly huh ? I do leave the ladies speechless". He chuckles, reaching out to lets finger follow the curve of my hip.

"Just keeping it closed not to puke''. I hiss through clenched teeth.

The back hand to the right side of my face sends me staggering back two steps and has tears spilling from my eyes.

"You better remember that I still have your lover boy locked up my pretty little toy.. and I can very easily make that pretty face of his look not at all attractive with some extra holes". His voice bears a steep warning.

"Fuck.. seriously are your type taught that ? How to hit women with the most imaginable pain". I curse, the side of my face throbbing and a taste of blood in my mouth.

Miguel might not be that tall, and he is slightly overweight and pudgy, but I also have no doubt that he is stronger than me, by far.

"You better just relax and.. enjoy". He grins maliciously. "I have broken stronger spirits than you .. and stronger bodies.. stop fighting and you might be okay after".

I want to roll my eyes .. enjoy.. seriously ? But I fear he might react a lot less than friendly if I do.

"I bet that wicked mouth of yours are great for fucking and bonus, it shuts you up and teaches you respect an humility". He sneers at me. "Kneel".

When I do not react fast enough to his liking he grabs my hair, forcing me down. I groan in pain, but have no choice but to fall to my knees.

"Now, open my pants and take out your new best friend". He says in a sugary tone.

I swallow and lift my hands with shaking fingers, opening his pants. I am wondering if he planned this, because he is not wearing underwear, and his erection all but jumps out in my face.

His hand tightens in my hair. "Open up my little fuck doll".

I look at it, it isn't big, which I guess is a blessing. But it smells like stale piss, making my stomach churn.

"Come on we ain't got all night.. swallow it". He pushes his hips forward.

I try to back off. "I.. I can't". My throat literally convulse and I fear I am going to puke. "I can't".

When his hand strikes me I think I might fall, but the other hand wrapping around my throat keeps me there. "Good thing I can make you then.. it will just be less pleasurable for you".

"Ple..Please". I manage, I can't breathe and it hurts.

"Let me tell you a little secret.. I like this.. I like choking people.. the panic in their eyes, the fear of dying". He whispers like he was telling me sweet things.

And well, I guess he is getting what he wants.. I fear dying right now. And I see Zac for my inner eye, hoping he is okay.

"Open your fucking mouth". He says, slapping me again, pushing his erection in my face.

"What about you close yours ?" The voice is so filled with anger it takes a moment before I realise it is Zac.

For a second I wonder if I am hallucinating. But Miguel lets me go, dropping me to the floor, trying to rip away the arm Zac has pressed over his face. Something flashes.. a knife.. and then.. thud.. I look at the floor right in front of me.. my stomach revolting when I realise what it is.

Miguel looks to be screaming like a pig into Zac's arm, his hands now covering his maimed crotch, blood running through his fingers.

"I told you she is mine, didn't I you fucking skum". Zac hisses in a low tone, then his eyes find mine. "Did he hurt you baby ?"

I nod, my voice coming out as heaving sobs. "He.. he hit me.. and choked me".

"So you like choking huh ? I wonder if you like being choked". Zac sounds so angry, so dangerous, that maybe I should be scared, but I am not, at all, because I know he would never hurt anyone that does not deserve it.

Miguel of course does not answer, his eyes bulking. Zac looks at me, and I voice my worry. "We need to get out of here.. how..?"

I see resolution in Zac's eyes and his voice goes soft. "Look away baby".

I close my eyes, instinctively scooting further away. Then I hear a kinda snapping crack, and a thud. My eyes fly open, and there is Miguel, like a giant rag doll on the floor, his eyes staring at nothing.

Zac is by my side, squatting down. "Are you okay baby ?"

"He isn't". I stare at Miguel's corpse. "You.. you snapped his neck ?"

"I am sorry you had to.. experience that.. but I could not take the chance of him alarming the soldiers.. we need to get out.. Tom and Luna are waiting". He explains.

I just stare at him. "You.. you.. you just snapped his neck".

"Yeah..he was hurting you he..". He stops when I hold up a hand.

"I am not having a problem with him being dead". I say. "But how the fuck do you know how to snap someones neck ? ''

He shrugs. "Instinct ?"

"I don't even know what to say". I shake my head. "Thanks Zac for coming for me".

"No thanks for wanting to do anything to save me". He stands up, helping me to my feet. "But let's get out of here.. then we can talk".

I get up and look around. "So, how do we get out of here ?"

"Come". He leads me out on the huge balcony, and walks to the right, until we are above the lower balcony, the one where all this started. "I am gonna climb down there.. then you will lower yourself down as far as you can, and I'll catch you".

"Okay". I stop him with a hand on his arm, and lean up to kiss him. "Just do not get hurt".

He smiles softly. "I got this babe".

I watch as he swings himself over the railing and slowly climbs down to the balcony below. To be honest I am not really scared, by now I kinda believe he can do anything, especially anything he says he can.

"Come, just lower yourself as far as you can.. and no worries, if you slip, I'll catch you". He calls softly.

I am happy I have no problems with heights, and I do trust him, so I climb the railing, gribs the outside, which happens to have a perfect size to hold onto, and lowers myself down.

"Just let go.. I got you". He calls, and I can feel his hand tab my lower leg, telling me it will be a small drop.

As my arms are seriously starting to strain and shake slightly, from holding me, I let go, feeling the small rush, then I am safely in his arms, being put gently on the ground.

"Hi there". I smile at him.

"No.. hi.. there". We both turn, finding Consuela there looking at us.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now