Spaghetti bolognese

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2 weeks later
"I could get used to this". I say sipping my cocktail.

Tom grins. "It is it's perk being a kept man.. especially when loving one's wife more than anything".

We are currently launching by the pool of Aurora and Tom's Lake como villa, while the girls are working on something to do with the business.

"And your wife loves you just as much, if not more". I say, smiling at him.. they are really nauseating at times, but in a good way.

He just smiles, this languish smile sneaking across his face, like he is thinking of heated kisses and whispered declarations of love, which I am pretty sure he is.

"We have.. stopped being careful". He says with a small sigh, but it's a happy kind of sigh.

"Stopped being.. ?" It takes me a moment to realise. "Really ? So you are trying for a kid.. fully and seriously ?"

He nods. "Yeah.. after all this.. after realising how easily life can be cut short.. we do not want to wait any longer".

"Good choice.. I am happy for you.. you will be a great father and she will be an amazing mother.. your kids will be lucky little bastards''. I grin.

"They will no doubt be spoiled, at least with love". He chuckles. "What about you and Luna ?"

I almost choke on my drink. "Uhm kids might be a bit.. not now.. fast".

"I did not mean you guys should have kids.. now at least". He chuckles again. "But.. What are you going to do ? I mean at some point you will return to Texas.. and she lives here.. when she isn't travelling".

"Long distance ?" It comes out as a question, accompanied by a shrug. "I am not a big fan, but you and Aurora did it for a while right ?" He nods. "And look how well it turned out".

He looks out over the lake, nodding slowly. "We did yeah.. but London and Italy are only a short flight apart.. Texas is half a world away".

"I know.. and I know it will be hard". I put down my glass. "But .. I can't really move here.. not now anyway.. and I can't ask her to put aside her wants and dreams and come with me".

"I get that.. and Luna is a very.. spirited and headstrong woman..".

I nod and cut in. "Which is why I love her".

"I know.. but something like that.. big changes.. she needs to decide it.. not be pressured into it". He lifts his glass and holds it up for a toast. "For the future and for love".

"May both be sweet and lasting". I say, lifting my own glass, and touching it to his before emptying it. And I truly hope they will.

"It's gonna be great getting home and just relaxing". My cousin says, kicking off her heels in the backseat of the chauffeured car.

"And having Tom waiting with dinner doesn't make it worse, right ?" I ask with a teasing smile.

She lets out a half sigh, half groan.. the kind coming from thinking of something delicious. "He is making his homemade bolognese today.. It is my secret little indulgence".

"Better than your moms ?" I tease her, her mom's bolognese  was our both's favorite dish as kids.

She turns, giving me the most secretive and cheeky look. "Do not tell anyone, not even Tom, but yes.. it really is better than mama's".

"Ohh you know that's a sin right ? For an Italian to admit that a non-Italian makes better pasta.. you will go to Italian housewife hell for that".

She throws out her hands, making a teatrical face. "Aye aye.. I know it.. it is traitorous.. do not tell anyone".

I laugh. "Seriously, the fact that you think he makes the best bolognese in the world is a testament to your love".

"I do love him immensely.. and I can't wait to make him a father". She leans back. "Imagine Tom with a baby in his arms".

"Enough to make any straight female.. hell any female.. melt". I grin. "You guys will be great parents".

She smiles happily. "Well.. Imagine Zac with a little baby on his arm".

"Yeah". I swallow, lately I have imagined that way too often, and to be honest the idea spurs a longing in me I have never felt before.. one for settling down, waking up with my husband in the mornings, getting kids ready for School, packing lunches, helping with homework and all those mundane things I always thought I didn't want. "But he is going back soon".

"You guys have to figure it out.. make a plan". Aurora says softly.

I sigh. "I just don't know.. I can't see how we can make it work.. I.. seeing him one weekend a month or something.. I can't do it".

"Alternative is to not see him at all.. is that better ?" She looks at me. "Look I know it's hard.. in the beginning I hardly ever saw Tom and I really doubted we would last.. I was sure some sexy co-star would snatch him up.. but look at us now".

"But that is you and Tom.. you have something very special..".

She shakes her head. "Oh stop it.. so do you and Zac.. I have seen how you two look at one another.. you are meant to be together".

"Meant to..". I bite my lip. "I wish 'meant to' would fix things".

"I am sure Zac is willing to stretch far to make it work". Aurora takes my hand. "Please Luna, give it a try.. don't pull away because you fear it won't work".

I turn it over in my head.. how will it feel to only see Zac when we can manage to be in the same country.. horrible I am sure.. how does it feel thinking about never seeing him again ? My heart hurts, like literally a crushing pain takes over my chest and breathing seems an almost impossible chore.

"I won't.. I will try and I will stretch to the breaking point to make it work". I say, feeling the paint retract immediately.. I need him too much to give up.

"Seems someone has missed you". Aurora says, as we drive up in front of the house, making a nod with her head towards the front door.

Zac is coming down the stairs, a huge grin on his face, waving at us.

He opens the car door as soon as we come to a halt and I all but jump into his arms. "Hi there handsome".

"Well hello my love.. I missed you". He says, kissing me softly.

"I missed you too". I mumble against his lips.

No doubt I have to do my best to make this work.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now