Rising from the dead

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I need to do something.. those guys are some kind off pirates, and if we do not stop them, we will find ourselves thrown over board, probably with a bullet through the head.. or worse, sold off to some kinda slavery.

I try pulling at the handcuffs, the left one is a little looser than the right, maybe I can wiggle my hand free, and get loose that way ?

I pull and tug, but the cuffs cut into the base of my thumb in a rather painful way, making me groan.

"Zac !" Luna says with worry in her voice, making me long to hold her in my arms. "What are you doing ?"

"Trying to get out of these handcuffs". I mumble. "I need to do something.. those guys are not playing around, they will kill us..or worse".

Aurora looks up, her eyes red and her face pale. "Worse ?.. oh".

"Yeah.. I can't let that happen". I pull against the metal again.

"But.. you can't get out of the cuffs". Luna whispers. "Can you ?"

I close my eyes, ignoring the pain as I apply more pressure. "Maybe I can pop my thumb out of the socket.. I just need to.. arg.. ouch".

I know the metal just peeled a strip of skin off my thumb, and damn it burns like hell.

"Please Zac.. be careful". She half cries out, her worry warms my heart.

"Zac, don't hurt yourself for our sake". Aurora says softly.

I shake my head, honestly I do not care if I hurt myself.. I damn well owe that to Tom. I lump rises in my throat and swallow. I need to get the girls out, even if it costs me my life.. so a thumb is a small price to pay.

Five minutes later I want to cry, I have tried and tried and my thumb is shaved raw, but I have gotten nowhere, the pain stopping every attempt. It's too much, but I hate that I can't do it.

I slump down on the deck, letting my head hang in despair, cursing myself.

"Zac.. it's okay". Luna says softly.

"No it's not". I mumble mostly to myself.

To be honest I don't care much if I am to die, what do I have to live for without Tom ? I feel like my inside has turned to ice and my mind is desperately trying to catch up, understanding that he is no longer here.

But I do not want anything to happen to Zac and Luna, I want them to be safe and happy and to go home and get married and have a bunch of beautiful babies together.

The three strangers and Enrique come back, looking like they are having a nice chat. To me it seems totally crazy that they can calmly chat, while we are waiting here to die.

"So what are we gonna do with them ? Enrique asks, making a motion towards us with his head.

"Hmm the girls are usable, but I am not sure if they are worth it". The guy in charge says. "Maybe the guy buying the boat wants them too".

Luna huffs. "Please just shoot me now".

"Well if that's what you want". The man shrugs.

There is a weird sound behind us, and everyone is turning, but suddenly Zac yells, banging his handcuffs against the railing. "Hey idiots,what about a fair fight instead of going for the girls ?"

"Really are you in a position to play coy ?" Enrique walks closer to Zac. "You are handcuffed to the railing you idiot".

Zac's face tenses for a moment. "Oh but am I ?"

"Yes you are". Enrique says. "Are you..".

He is cut off by Zac's right fist, with the handcuffs still attached, coming from behind and slamming into his nose with a sickening sound. "Wrong bitch".

The two guys with the rifles start yelling, pulling the rifles from their backs, pointing them at Zac, making me gasp.

"Oh come on, pathetic losers". Zac huffs, walking forward. "Everyone else has been trying to shoot me lately, so.. give it your best".

But then one of them crumbles, and there on the spot where he has fallen from, stands .. I gasp his name. "Tom !"

The other guy turns his head, but still fires at Zac. At first I think he hit him, but Zac just continues forward, so he can't have.

The leader makes some weird karate-like moves, and sounds, towards Tom, like he is going to attack him. Tom just stares at him, looking beyond pissed.

"Oh shut the fuck up". He steps forward, punching the guy in the face, before he can react, and the man's eyes roll back and then he falls like a log.

"You .. fucking.. shot me". Zac huffs. "I .. fucking.. hate getting shot". He is yelling now, stalking towards the last guy. "It freaking hurts you moron".

The man backs up, totally forgetting the rifle in his hands.

"Zac !" Luna says, sounding scared and impressed at the same time.

Zac grabs the rifle, yanking it from the man's hands. "How would you feel if I shot you ? Right you would hate it.. Well I hate it, so stop with it..".

We all watch in awe as Zac swings the rifle like a club, hitting the guy two time over the head, leaving him unconscious on the deck too.

"Zac !" Tom says. "It's okay, no one is shooting you".

"Is shooting Zac like the new black ? I am not a fan". He grumbles and throws the rifle on the deck. "So not a fan".

Tom runs over to him. "Are you hurt Zac ?"

"Uhm yeah.. I was shot". Zac mumbles then stops. "Why are you not dead ? Not that I want you too.. but..".

"Zac.. where were you shot". Tom ignores his question and pulls at his shirt. "We need to get you to a doctor".

Zac pulls up his shirt. "I don't think it's too bad.. it burns a bit.. look here".

We all look, he has blood dripping from a gash on the side of his stomach.

"It just grazed you". Tom lets out a pent up breath. "Thank god it just grazed you".

"Yeah, yeah, still shot though..but how are you alive ?" Zac says, pulling the shirt back.

Tom walks over to me. "Let's get our girls free first, then I'll explain".

"Tom.. oh Tom". I feel tears burn in my eyes as he comes over. "You.. I thought I lost you".

"Never my love.. I had to protect you". He says softly, and pulls a switch knife from his pocket, cutting the ropes.

He closes the knife and throws it to Zac, who catches it with a smile. Then Tom removes my ropes and I throw myself into his arms. "Thank God".

I kiss him over and over, on his lips, cheeks and nose, unable to believe that he is here, that he is not dead.

"I love you Aurora.. more than anything". He says softly.

"I love you too Tom.. so very much". I tell him, kissing him again.

I look to see Zac struggling with Luna's rope.

She looks impatiently. "Come on Zac, get me free".

"I am trying.. not easy with one hand". He mumbles. "Why so busy ?"

"I want to hug my man". She says, smiling at him.

Zac smiles warmly and I nudge Tom, whispering: "I think Zac could use a hand".

There is scrambling and we all look to see Enrique come to his feet. "You fucking idiot, I am gonna kill you".

With an almost feral scream he throws himself at Zac, who is closests.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now