When a one night stand is more

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Still kissing me passionately, he carries me over to the bed, putting me down on the floor by the end of it. My clothes are literally flying everywhere, some of his too, both of us pulling desperately at it.

When I am naked, his eyes run over me, somehow it only serves to quicken my pulse further.

"Damn you are even more beautiful than I remember". He breathes out, before kissing me again.

As he lets go, I let myself fall down on the bed, watching him shed the rest of his clothes. Fuck that body should be considered a dangerous weapon and come with a warning like 'do not get close, for risk of loosing control'.

I grab the nearest thing on the bed pulling it over me, suddenly feeling a bit exposed.. This is very out of character for me.

A soft white silk sheet covers my naked body. I look down at myself, the veiled outline of my dark and aroused nipples are visible through the sheer material of the sheet.

Zac smiles a very sexy smirk, and reaches to grab the edge of the sheet, slowly, he pulls the cloth away from my body, revealing my slightly golden skin.

The cool air feels exquisite against my already heated body. And I know my entrance is glistening with slick juices in the soft glow from the sun peaking through the curtains, as his indulgent gaze roams me unhurriedly, awakening my desires even more.

The only sound leaving him is a soft humming of appreciation, as he joins me on the bed. Lavishing another kiss on my lips.

Gently, he cups my breast in his big hand before rubbing his calloused thumb against my peaked nipple. His delicate touch has me whimpering for more. Seemingly fascinated by my reaction, he pinches my nipple slowly, making it more erect. Before I can register the feelings coursing through my body, he lap at my nipple with one slow, long, wet lick. My back arches, and he encircles my slim frame with his long fingers, holding onto me.

He continues licking my nipple until suddenly he holds it between his teeth, applying just the right kind of pressure. I throw my head back, and pull at his hair, as my hips buck up against him, making contact with his hardened length. His erection pressing against my little peak of pleasure and my slickened nether region.

I am now writhing in pleasure, as he sucks my whole nipple in his mouth and alternates between licking and biting. Involuntarily, I start rubbing my clit against the tip of his erection, satiating my desire.

He pulls my nipple from his mouth with a pop and starts peppering feverish kisses against my body. He kisses the valley between my breasts, before moving south towards my navel. Before continuing moving further down till the tip of his nose touches my clit. He inhales languidly and then blows a breath across my sweet spot. His tongue tentatively touches my most sensitive bud. The velvety texture of his tongue has my eyes closing.

When I open them, I find his dark gaze as he flickers my nub one more time. The intensity of his gaze and the sensation of his tongue against my clit feel almost dreamlike. As he continues to pay attention to my most sensitive area, I can feel the fiery burn consuming me. It starts at my abdomen but soon it possesses my whole being. My breath quickening as my muscles start to spasm.

He licks my clit in small circles, pressing down on the excited nub. My grip on his already tousled hair tightens, as he circles my opening with his finger and then slowly inserts it into my heated core.

"God". The word comes with so much passion I fear I might actually involve the Lord above attention.

He lets his finger get pulled inside before removing it and repeating the motion. The unhurried pace of his digit has my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

Soon I start to feel my inside clench, pulling his finger deeper. He then adds a second finger and let's his wet tongue join in on the fun again.

The sensation is overwhelming. I feel like I am climbing and climbing, chasing the unattainable. My toes curl into the plush bed covers as my hips buck up. I can feel the orgasm that is about to consume me, it's so close I can almost reach out and grab it.

With his free hand he reaches up and pinches my nipple, and then I am over the edge, screaming in ecstasy.

After a couple of seconds my hip relaxes, and falls back down on the bed .. I open my eyes to meet his gaze filled with desire and to my surprise tenderness, another sexy smirk spreads on his lips.

He raises his muscular body from between my legs and flips us gently so that I sit on his lap, facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck, while his fingers imprint the curve of my waist.

I can feel his erection as it stands erect between our bodies. He lifts my hips and places my opening at the tip of his length. Slowly, I lower myself onto him. My warmth envelops him till he is sheathed deep inside me.

Our foreheads touch each other as we revel in this intimate connection. I then start circling my hips to build a wonderful pressure that has us both moaning and gasping. I looked down to where we are connected and am mesmerised by the way he fills me as I ride him slowly. The pace is excruciatingly but deliciously slow.

Our lovemaking makes us both half delirious and overcome with passion. Before long, I can feel us both pursuing the burgeoning desire that burns between us. We are lost in each other as the world around us ceases to exist.

Our sounds of pleasure ring loud in the otherwise quiet room. He gently pulls my hair to one side and kisses my bare throat, tenderly at first. Then he bite into the skin of my neck, making my inside clench uncontrollably. Sweet nectar oozing from me, lubricating his shaft and maddening our desire.

I continue riding him as I chase my orgasm, pulling him in with me. I explode just as I feel him pulse deep inside, deep ragged sounds of pleasure coming from his chest.

We both collapse on the bed, panting heavily. My body is trembling as it recovers slowly from the aftershocks of our lovemaking. He holds onto me tightly as I lay splayed on his muscled chest.

Unconsciously, it seems, he starts drawing circles on my back as he gently kisses my forehead and then rests his chin on top of my head.

I can feel the magnetic pull of deep slumber luring me. My eyes close off on their own accord as I surrender myself to bliss.

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