That latin feeling and rocking the boat

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I drive back into the center of the city. Delivering the car at the rental company. We can easily walk from there and then back to the marina when we are done for the day.

"Where are we going Tom ?" Aurora looks at me, she is clearly curious, but I just smile and shake my head slightly.

After walking for about ten minutes, we start hearing music. Soon we walk into the Calle Ocho area and the air is filled with the smell of caribbean spices, latin music and laughter. "Welcome to the Viernes Culturales or cultural friday".

"Oh this is awesome". She is smiling happily, pulling me along as she is looking at all the colours, people and food stands. Coming with small sounds, her feet and hips, starting to move slightly to the beat.

"Come on, I am hungry, princess". I stop at one of the little street kitchens. "Do you want a Cuban pulled pork burger with tostones ?"

She looks at the food, licking her lips. "Oh that both looks and smells delicious, so Yes please".

"Go find a place to sit, and I'll get us the food". I tell her, smiling. And she gives me a quick kiss, before moving down between the tables, moving her hips to the latin rhythm.

A man standing close by makes a motion with his head in her direction. "Your wife ?" I nod and he smiles. "Oh you are a lucky man".

"I know, believe me, that I know". I say smiling back. I am not the jealous type. I trust her, so his words only make me proud.

Getting our food and drinks, I put it on a tray and make my way down to Aurora. I put the food down. "I got us some batido de guayaba too, it's a cuban milkshake with guavas".

She grabs the burger, takes a big bite and lets out a sinful little moan as she chews it. "Oh this is amazing Tom".

I start on my own food and it really is good. It is nice sitting here in the sun, listening to the music, the most amazing woman in the world beside me and great food. I mean what more can you ask for ?

She holds up a tostone. "These are fabulous, what are they made from ?"

"It's slices of plantain that are fried, and yeah they are really good". I say, popping one into my mouth.

She wrinkles her nose, looking at it, then at me. "Not to sound stupid, but what exactly is a plantain ?"

"It's a type of banana, but they are not sweet. They are used a lot in the cuban kitchen". I explain and she pops it into her mouth.

I love the feel, the atmosphere, the smells and the sounds of the cuban quarter. I look at Tom as we walk through the crowd. Damn I love my husband so much I can't even, and I just grab him without thinking, kissing him, hearing people cheer.

"Not that I am complaining, but what was that for love ?" He says looking down at me, one of those sexy smirks sliding over his face.

I brush a stray curl away from his forehead, his hair is getting a tad long. "Not for anything really, beside to show my amazing husband how much I love and adore him".

"And your amazing husband loves and adores you even more princess". He says softly.

"So do my amazing and sexy husband want to dance with me ?" I say, knowing it's a stupid question. Tom never says no to dancing and he is quite good at it too. He can  certainly move those hips.

He grabs me, twirling me effortlessly. Moving his hips in time with the music. "Do you really have to ask my love ?"

And we dance, laugh and kiss, mixing with the people on the street. At one point I get pulled away from Tom. But a minute later I see him dance with an old lady, then shortly after a little girl. He smiles at me and I can't help smiling back.

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