Waiting.. but for what

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I am nervously pacing the room, muttering to myself. "Come on, please come on. You have to come back, all of you".

I haven't been able to sleep or even relax. I am scared like never before. For all of them. Aurora will be crushed if Tom doesn't come back. Right now she is standing out on the deck, looking out over the water towards Cuba and she has been there since she woke and found out what was going on.

Walking outside to join her I am thinking about Zac, wishing I hadn't been so stubborn. Why didn't I just admit that I really like him, hell I might very well be falling for him for real.

He needs to come back. I can't stand the thought of never seeing his bright smile again, or hearing his voice.

Time is running out, as the sun peaks over the horizon and I want to scream. Aurora is standing with her head slightly bowed clutching the diamond heart she wears around her neck, it's a gift from Tom. I think she is praying and we don't speak to each other. It isn't needed.

Enrique shows up, looking sad. He clears his throat. "I am sorry, but Chris told me to leave at sunrise. We have to go".

"No wait, they might still come. There might just have been a slight bump slowing them down". I plead. Feeling panic rises within me.. I am not ready to give up.

He shakes his head. "I know you are still hoping, both of you. I want them to be okay too, but I am under strict order to leave and get you two to safety".

"Please just wait a little longer.. if we leave and they show up..". I can't even think the thought to an end.

Enrique is shaking his head. "We have to go.. I have my orders..".

"Don't you dare move this ship an inch". Aurora suddenly says, her voice is as steel. "I own this yacht, so I am saying that we will stay here. Tom is coming, I know it. I can feel it".

Enrique bows his head, knowing he has to yield. "As you wish, but we can't stay forever, it's too dangerous. But let's give them an extra hour".

And then we are back to waiting, watching and waiting. Hoping beyond hope that we will see them soon.

I have never felt so unable to hold still and at the same time I am frozen to the spot, staring at the horizon, not really seeing anything at all.

"There.. I can see a boat". Aurora is suddenly yelling as she points, almost jumping up and down, for a second I fear she will jump overboard and swim towards them.

First I can't see anything, but then I shake my head, get my eyes to focus and I see something small coming towards us fast. "It is a boat, do you think it's them ?"

She grabs my hand, squeezing it. "I hope it is.. it has to be.. please I can't look, tell me.. tell me if they have Tom with them".

"I am sure they got him". I squeeze back, as I am standing on my toes, my heart pounding in my chest, trying to see better. They have to be there, all three of them.

She is shaking slightly and holding her breath and I pray to everything holy that they managed to get Tom out, I would not be able to watch her pain if she doesn't get him back.

"Is he there". She asks breathlessly.

I am looking intently, I can see Chris now, steering the boat.. and then someone huddled up, looking like he is freezing, the size tells me it has to be Zac. I can't see Tom and my heart stops for a second, but then he leans forward from behind Zac, waving at us.

My voice almost gets stuck in my throat, and comes out all weird sounding. "I see him, they have him".

Tears start streaming down her face. "Oh thank God". And for a second her legs look like they are about to buckle, but she pulls herself together, pulling me with her down to where they will be boarding the yacht.

"Fancy seeing you girls here". Tom calls, smiling from ear to ear as he sees us. Chris gets the boat up along the yacht, and Enrique shows up, catching the speedboat with a hook, holding it in place for them to board.

Tom gets over first, slowly, almost falling into Aurora's arm, kissing her all over her face with little butterfly kisses. "My princess".

"Eww Tom you are dirty and bloody". But her face and tone says she doesn't care at all.

And Tom really looks like a mess, he is dirty, his face swollen and bruised, he isn't putting weight on his right leg and his clothes are right for the bin.

Chris and Enrique are helping Zac aboard, and he comes over the side with a groan.

"You can be really proud of your man Luna, he turned out to be a real life action hero". Chris says grinning. "He might have gotten a bit excited at times though".

Tom nods. "I owe you my life man". He looks at me. "Zac had my back when my sprained ankle slowed me down and he even carried me some of the way.. he is a true hero".

I can't help smiling, I want to get to Zac. I don't care about anything but being in his arms right now, telling him that he is my hero too. But right now Tom and Aurora are between us and I do not want to push through them.

Chris takes his gun and puts three bullets through the bottom of the speed boat and Enrique pushes it away. It will sink fast, removing the evidence.

"Not to sound mean, but move Tom". I say teasingly, about to walk past him. But looking closer I realise what the front of his shirt is filled with and I stop, suddenly feeling worried. "Tom, are you bleeding somewhere ?"

He looks a bit confused and I add. "Your shirt, it is drenched in blood". Everyone is staring at Tom now.

"No, I mean I have been bleeding a couple of times, maybe it just added up". He pulls up his shirt, looking down at his own body. Beside some bad bruising there is nothing to see. "See".

There is a strangled sound and we all turn to see Zac lean on the wall, slowly sliding down till he is sitting on the deck, leaving a smear of blood on the wall.. his voice a pained croak. "I have a feeling it could be my blood".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now