Run Tom, run

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I make my way down the Marina, looking for the right boat and Tom. I texted him asking how to find them and he said he would be waiting on the dock... which clearly makes it easier.

And soon I spot him, uncharastically wearing tan shorts and a dark blue polo shirt. He is standing next to a luxury yacht, looking very much like a british aristocrat.

"Hi Tom". I walk over to him.

"Good to see you". He says with his patented Tom smile, hugging me tightly.

I look at the yacht nodding, then I pull at the collar of his polo. "Well don't you look the part Hiddles ? You even got .. kind of.. almost a tan going".

"Ha ha Levi, always the comedian". He says, rolling his eyes. "Come on, let me show you the ship..yacht.. I also have something to tell you about the trip".

Walking aboard I follow him, looking around. We walk up on the upper deck. It is clear that everything on the yacht is top quality. "This is awesome Tom, really cool. Aren't you happy you married for money ?"

I jump as I feel a hard slap on my ass and Aurora walks past me over to Tom. "Be careful or you won't get any lunch. And by the way it was me who married Tom for his hot body and his fame, haven't you heard ?"

"Then I think you have been robbed blind my dear". I say grinning, getting another eye roll from Tom. Aurora comes back over to hug me. And I look at her. "But you look stunning darling.. he definitely won the wife lottery the british bastard".

"Thank you Zac. You look great too". She squeezes my bicep and I can't stop myself from flexing it a bit. "Damn you really bulked up since last I saw you.. impressive".

I grin. "Kind of had to for the part. But I like it, so I am going to keep it up".

She bites her lip slightly. "You definitely should do that.. a world of women will thank you".

"Okay time out". Tom waves his hands, stepping between us. "Are you two done with the.. arg whatever that was ?"

"Are you jealous Tommy boy". She walks over to him, running a finger down his cheek.

He shakes his head. "Why would I be jealous ? Now scuttle back to the kitchen woman, you have lunch to finish".

"Did you seriously just call me woman Hiddles ?" She asks and Tom nods defiantly, making her pull up pretend sleeves.

I snort with laughter. "Uhh Tom, I would run, and really fast too if I were you".

"Oh shit". Tom swallows and sprints off at full speed.

Aurora turns looking at me. "So how far do you think he will get before he realises that no one is after him ?"

"Hmm good question.. but you know how we make him run faster ?" I lean over the railing, calling after Tom. "Run Tom run, she is right behind you".

Two minutes later Tom comes back up the ladder from the lower deck. He is grumbling. "You two.. damn it's gonna be a long month".

"You did ask for it Tom, like a lot". I tell him with a shrug.

"I guess I did". He says, with a sigh. Then he walks over, sliding his arms around Aurora. "I am so sorry I called you 'woman'. My most beautiful talented wife would you please leave me and Zac to talk ?"

She kisses his nose lovingly. "Okay, I'll go finish lunch and wake the sleepyhead".

"So what is it you want to talk about ?" I look curiously at Tom, after Aurora has disappeared inside.

He scratches his neck. "Well, I might have forgotten that with 4 bedrooms, 2 captains aboard and Aurora's cousin coming along too.. It we are suddenly one bedroom short, so we need to find a solution".

"Well I don't mind sharing". I tell him with a cheeky grin.. Honestly Tom is just too easy to tease sometimes.

He looks relieved. "Oh that is great, and the bed is big. I mean it's not like you guys need to spoon or anything. Now we just have to hope she is okay with it".

"Oh I don't mind spooning either". I say grinning. "But where are you going to sleep ? Because I am not sharing with you too".

"Uhh what ?" He looks confused, then he clearly gets it and smacks the back of my head. "Oh fuck you Levi, hell no you are not sharing a bed with my wife.. I was thinking you could share it with her cousin".

I take a deep breath. "Honestly Tom, I am not sure it's a good idea. Listen, I don't want to be a bother. I can stay here in Miami for a week or two.. have a vacation, and then fly back home".

I mean, sharing a room with some woman for a month.. what if she expects it to .. come with benefits.. It's not something I would do normally and after last night.. I can't get a certain woman out of my head.. staying in Miami for a bit suddenly seems like a good idea.. Maybe I can find her again.

"Oh no.. no no no.. please don't leave me alone on a yacht for a month with those two. Please, we'll find a solution". He looks almost scared.

"Well thanks, here I thought you actually wanted to spend time with me". I say. "And I know it isn't your wife you are fearing, so it has to be her cousin. And you want me to share a bed with her.. Uhh no thanks.. I think I will have to pass".

Once again he rolls his eyes.. When did he start acting so much like a teenage girl ? "Oh don't whine, Zac. But actually her cousin is a great girl. She might be exactly Your type.. it's just.. I need someone not female to talk to".

"Talking about my type". I say thinking back on last night again. "I went out yesterday and I met the most amazing woman. I tell you she was.. oh God she was perfect.. the way she danced was.. damn".

He arches one eyebrow. "That smile on Your face tells me that you two did a lot more than dancing. I didn't think you were into that kinda thing..".

"Well it's not like I often take women back to my hotel like that, not that it has never happened before..". I shrug. "But I couldn't just let her go. Too bad I didn't have time to get to know her better, see if there was something.. But it's too late now I guess, I didn't even get her real name, her friend called her Lulu".

Tom looks like he chokes down a giggle for some reason. "Oh yeah that is too bad.. really. So tell me more. How did this perfect woman look ?"

"Beautiful, sexy, perfect". I sigh, damn I should at least have gotten her number, I kick myself mentally. "She was medium tall, long wavy dark hair, the most kissable lips, dark eyes. She had a killer body, all the right curves in all the right places, long long legs.. they looked good on me".

"She does sound hot". Tom says, padding my shoulder. "But you know what, if it's meant to be, who knows, she might walk right back into your life..someday".

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