Harpoons, false names and planes

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I hear myself let out a small scream seeing something flash in Enriques hand, assuming it's a knife and knowing Zac is already hurt. Honestly I am very much tired of constantly seeing my man in mortal danger.

But before Enrique can reach Zac he suddenly kinda stops, hangs like a silly Cartoon character in mid air for a moment and flies backwards over the railing, impaled on something.

"What the..". Zac blinks rapidly, like trying to figure out what happened.

"I hope I was meant to shoot him". A voice says in slightly broken english, making us all turn.

Tom grins and walks over to pad the young man, with the fluffy hair and the harpoon gun in his hand, on his shoulder. "No problem with that Louis.. Thank you.. and nice harpooning".

"Who is this ?". Aurora asks, looking curiously at the newcomer.

"This is Louis''. Tom says with a warm smile. "He is from Aruba and was out testing how fast his speed boat can go after he re-build it.. Luckily for me I say.. he saw me drop from the ship and fished me out just in time".

Aurora pulls the young, and now rather confused looking, man into her arms, hugging him. "Thank you Louis, Thank you so much".

"No problem lady, I'm happy to help". He smiles and looks around. "Very nice ship you have here.. very nice".

"Thanks". She says with a small smile.

Zac finally manages to free me, and I throw myself into his arms.

He groans slightly. "Ouch, watch the hand".

"What's with the hand ?" I grab his hand, his thumb is sticking out in an odd angle and it is practically skinless. "What did you do ?"

"I needed to get out the handcuffs". He shrugs slightly, then lets out a pained sound. "It hurts.. a lot".

I gently take his hand, avoiding touching the thumb. "Oh you poor thing.. we need this lookes at.. but you are my hero".

"I don't need to be a hero.. but I do want to be yours.. and for you to be mine". He whispers softly.

"You already have that". I say, gently touching his cheek. "You silly goose".

He chuckles. "I do prefer hero to goose".

"Zac !" Tom calls. "We need to find Chris and see if he is okay, and we need to call the coast guard... and to tie these idiots up before they wake".

"My hand is not .. so good". Zac mumbles. "So if you and Louis can tie those guys up, I'll go call the coast guard.. the girls can start looking for Chris".

Tom gives a thumbs up. "Good plan, let's do that".

"How is the finger ?" Luna asks softly, taking my now bandages hand, as I come out from the doctors office.

I smile at her. "It's fine, as soon as he popped it back in the socket most of the pain was gone.. luckily.. and I got a bit of pain killer for the.. scrapes".

"So nothing broken ?" I am surprised, but happily so, as it looked really bad.

"Nope, dislocated and a small sprain". I tell her, happy it isn't worse, but I would have cut off my finger if needed to be honest.

She lifts my hand and kisses it. "I am so happy to hear that..and the gunshot wound ?"

"He cleaned it, and glued it". I tell her with a sheepish grin. "He told me to keep still for a couple of weeks, and .. not get myself shot again".

"I agree, no more getting shot". She says, taking my uninvited hand. "Let's get back to the others and find out what the plans are now".

We walk out the door hand in hand.

Luckily the girls had found Chris in good health beside a bulge and being very pissed.. he was tied up and gagged. He was happy to be freed.

The coast guard had shown up pretty fast, and took care of the men, it turned out they were well known pirates. And Enrique's real name was Esteban and he has been working with them too, getting work on yachts, and Selling them off to those pirates.. the owners having disappeared.

They are hoping now that they have the pirates they will be able to find some of those people. I feel sorry for them, but I am very grateful we are not on that list.

"Would that be okay with you darling ?" Aurora looks at me, then at Zac and Luna, who came back five minutes ago. "And you two of course".

"I think it is a marvelous idea". Zac says. "No guns on planes, no one will try to shoot me, I am voting for flying home".

I chuckle softly but nod. "I agree, not so much for the shooting part.. but going by plane sounds like the best idea".

"I vote plane too". Luna says. "But what about the yacht ?"

"I have already asked Chris to sail her home.. he just needs two trustworthy and hard working men on board to join him". Aurora says.

I clear my throat. "Can I suggest Louis as one of them ?"

"Way ahead of you my love". Aurora tells me with a grin. "I already asked him, while you were talking to Chris about the best route.. he is talking to his cousin about coming along".

"Great.. and I know we were just.. burned.. but I know we can trust Louis". I say with passion.

My wife smiles softly at me, touching my cheek. "Of course we can, he saved you after all".

"I feel bad though.. I had a bad feeling about Enrique.. I mean Esteban.. I should have acted on it..". I sigh.

"Stop Tom.. we should all have figured it out". Zac says. "It's over and done, no reason to hit yourself over the head".

Aurora wraps a hand around my waist. "Zac is right.. don't do this to yourself.. you are a hero Tom.. my hero".

"And you, you are my world". I say softly, kissing here.

Behind us I hear Luna ask softly. "So.. will you be flying back to Texas.. or ?"

I can hear the smile in Zac's voice. "Actually a holiday in Italy sounds rather tempting.. if you care to show me around ?"

"I'd love to". She says happily and I can hear the kiss, before focussing on my wife.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now